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Third Person P.O.V

          A month and half Albus was found, it was almost time for the Christmas holidays, with it being days away. So tempers and stress levels were up for everyone, especially for Albus. He still hadn't uttered a word but he had declined slightly. He was frustrated he couldn't speak, scared because Scorpius was too busy with school to come over, and he was sad because of the same reason. Harry had tried to get his son to calm down but he was rather upset and just whimpered in ball the entire time.  When Scorpius was finally able to come over, it took him an hour of coaxing for Albus to get cozy with him again.

            Albus was hiding under his bed because he missed his best friend and he wasn't at his desk. He whimpered loudly and when he heard a thump, he cried out.

            "Albus." Scorpius whispered. "Albus, you in here?" He asked and Albus whimpered again. Scorpius dropped to all fours and looked at the cowering boy. "Aww Albie, what's wrong?" He asked. Albus looked at him with big, green and watery eyes with his lip quivering. "Is it because I wasn't at my desk? I was eating some lunch downstairs and came upstairs. I heard you whimper, I came through on the bridge right away." He told him. Albus blinked at him before sliding out from under the bed and holding Scorpius. For the first time, he actually cried. He'd cry out and whimper but he never actually cried. He buried his face into Scorpius' chest and emptied his tears ducts. "Hey shh don't cry, its okay." Scorpius stroked his locks. "I won't leave, I promise you. I'll always be there for you Albus." Scorpius promised. Albus cried himself tired and to be honest, Scorpius was happy for that. Not that he didn't want to be the boy, he wanted to, he was just happy that Albus finally had some kind of emotional reaction. Scorpius sighed and picked him up then placed him on the bed. He kissed Albus' head then walked out of his room. He went into the kitchen where Ginny was.

            "Guess what!" He announced startling her. She turned around and sighed.

            "Scorpius, please do announce your presence before startling me." She told him.

            "Sorry ma'am, I was just excited." He told her.

            "It's fine Albus, what must you tell me?" She asked him.

            "Well erm I heard Albus from my room so I took the bridge and he was under the bed. So I got him to come out and then something miraculous happened."

            "He talked?" She gasped.

            "No." He frowned. "But he did start crying."


            "Yeah he was upset I guess but its good isn't it? He's finally showing other emotions." He told her and she nodded.

            "It's brilliant actually. He's slowly but surely getting better." She smiled at him.

            "Oh hey Scorpius." Harry's voice sounded from behind. He turned around and Harry was there along with James and Lily.

            "Oh hello." Scorpius said awkwardly.

            "Harry." Ginny started. "Albus cried today. Actually cried." She told him.

            "Seriously?" Harry asked and Scorpius nodded. "That's great then." He let out a soft laugh.  Ginny smiled along with Harry and he kissed her full on the lips. Scorpius smiled as the other children grimaced.  Scorpius turned to his friend and grinned.

            "He's getting better." James smiled. "Finally."

            "Where is he now?" Lily asked.

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