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**Warning, in this chapter describes Albus' kidnapping and what happened to him. Skip any italics and when Dom speaks if you don't want to read it!!**

Albus' P.O.V

          I was trembling a lot as my mum held me in her arms. They brought me into a separate room that had a large window showing a white wall.

            "Okay Albus, five men are coming in and you need to pick out Dom." He told me and I nodded. The men walked in and I noticed him right away. I whimpered and backed up. I buried my face into my father's chest and he gently stroked my hair. "We need an answer." Chris told me so I looked up again.

            "N-num-number tw-two." I told them and he knocked on the glass twice before carting me out. My father wrapped his arms around me and I trembled in his hold. I saw Scorpius waiting for us to get out and once he spotted us, he ran over to me. I embraced him tightly and silently started to cry in his chest.

            "Shh." He hushed. "Shh, it'll be over soon. It'll be over soon." He promised.

            "Pl-please st-stay with m-me." I pleaded and he hugged me tighter while rubbing my back.

            "I will Albus. I will."

            "Albus, can you give us a statement?" Chris asked and I looked up fearfully. My eyes swung to my parents who nodded.

            "I-I w-want Sc-Scorpius t-to stay w-with me." I told them and my mum nodded.

            "Okay Albus, Scorpius can go in with you." Scorpius looked to his parents who nodded and then he grabbed me by the hand. Chris led us to another room, the first one I was in, and we sat down. Well I sat on Scorpius' lap as he held me tightly.

            "Okay Albus." Chris started. "I want to start with something easy, how did he take you?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

            I was sitting inside the car after sitting for hours.

            "Can I stretch please? My legs are so dead." I complained and my dad smirked.

            "Yes okay, but don't wander off Albus." He wagged his finger at me so I rolled my eyes.

            "Yeah yeah." I waved a dismissive hand. I got out of the car and started to walk around. I didn't wander too far but far enough where I couldn't be seen by my family. I was near a grassy highland area.

            "Albus?" I heard and I looked up. My heart leapt as it was my art teacher who I had the biggest crush on.

            "Mister Bridges?" I asked.

            "Yeah, you can call me Dom since we're not in school. What are you doing here?" He asked.

            "I'm just getting gas with my family. We just got back from seeing my grandmum." I explained and he smiled making me blush.

            "How was that?"

            "A bit boring." I confessed. "But I got to see my twin uncles."

            "Ahhh fun. Fun." He smirked.

            "Albus!" I heard so I frowned.

            "I have to go. But it was nice seeing you. I'll see you in school?" I asked.

            "Yeah." He nodded. I turned around and went to walk away but he put me in a choke hold. I was startled and instinctively grabbed on to his arms. He covered my mouth. I started to thrash but his arm around my neck tightened. "Don't you fucking move." He told me so I stilled.

Small Spaces (Scorbus) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now