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Albus' P.O.V

Scorpius came over again. I sat on his lap as I sketched. I was sketching a house. The House. I felt a hand in my hair so I jerked to the side.

"Sorry Albus." Scorpius spoke softly. "What are you drawing?" He asked.

"I-I'm sk-sketching a h-house." I explained.

"May I see?" He asked.

"W-when i-it's done." I told him.

"Fine. Wanna do something else though?" He asked.

"L-like w-what?" I cocked my head. I shifted in his lap. I looked into his beautiful gray eyes.

"Hmm like a snow ball fight or we could build a snowman...." He trailed.

"A...a-are J-James a-and L-Lily h-home?" I asked. He shrugged. "I-I w-want t-them to c-come o-outside w-with us."

"Okay." He nodded. He scooped me off his lap. He placed me on the sofa we were sitting on.

"James! Lily!' Scorpius called.

"Yeah?" They called together.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" He called and then smirked.

"Be right down!" James yelled back.

"S-Scorpius?" I called and he looked down at me.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"H-how i...i-is R-Rose?"

"Rose?" He pouted his bottom lip. Bobbed his head side to side. "She's good I guess. Studying harder than I've ever studied before. D'ya want me to ask if she'd come over?" He asked. I blinked at him.

"I-I'd l-like to s-see h-her."

"Okay er... let me ask your mum if she can come over. It's not my place." He told me. I nodded. He left the room to where mum was. I picked up my sketch book. I sketched more woods around the house. I added all details, of what I remembered. I added the window. The one that gave me my freedom. "Okay!" Scorpius yelled. I jumped and smudged the paper. "Sorry Albie. Your mum said yes so I asked Rose to come over. Is that alright?"

"Y-yeah. I-I m-miss h-her. W-we w-were b...b-best f-friends."

"So I've been told." He sighed. "I'm your best friend now, right?" He smirked and I chuckled.


"Good because you're mine to." His face dropped to seriousness. "Just don't tell James." He whispered. I smiled.

"Y-your s-secret is s-safe w-with m-me."

"What secret?" We heard. James stood in the living room.

"Shush now Jamesie, it'll hardly be a secret if I go around telling everyone now would it?" Scorpius smirked as James huffed. "Besides my dear friend, you are a blabber mouth."

"Are not!" James defended.

"Are to!"

"Are not!"

"Are to!"

"I-I t-think y-you're w-worse t-than g-girls." I chimed in.

Small Spaces (Scorbus) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now