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Scorpius' P.O.V

After a long day at school and doing all my homework and then work that I missed, I knocked on the door to the Potter's. Moments later Harry opened it looking very disheveled.

"Scorpius?" His eyes grew wide.

"Sorry, is this a bad time?" I asked and he shook his head slightly.

"No. We were just trying to get Albus washed. It was difficult but we got him cleaned and clothed in some fresh clothes."


"Come in." He opened his door wider and I walked in. "He's upstairs in his room."

"How did the erm evaluation go?" I asked and he sighed. We started to walk up the stairs that were in front of the door.

"He threw a fit and hid under the table. The doctor tried getting him to talk and asked him about... things that happened there."

"And he didn't talk?"

"No not yet." He sighed sadly. "He cried out and whimpered. Shook his head vigorously." We got to the top and made a turn around the banister. We stopped an open door and peered in. "Gin?"

"He won't come out from under the bed." She told him. She was sitting on the floor, her forehead resting against the twin bed.

"Albus, come out love. Someone wants to see you." Harry said. He looked at me and I got down on all fours so Albus could see me.

"Hey Albus, I missed you today." I told him. "I'm sorry, I had to go to school and then do some homework but I'm here now." I quietly said. I lied on my belly and peered in under bed. I could just make out his vibrant eyes. He blinked at me a bit before crawling out from under the bed. He glanced over to Ginny who smiled.

"Go ahead sweetheart." She assured and crawled quickly to me. He crawled onto my lap and snuggled into my chest.

"Hi Albus. Look at you, you're so clean." I cooed softly. "And your hair is so soft. And it smells so nice." I told him and he snuggled closer to me. "And these clothes look so nice on you, you must be so snuggly." For the first time he nodded his head. I looked up at his parents and they seemed shocked. "Did you have a good day back home Albus?" I asked. "I bet you did. You've been gone for a while but now you're home all safe and sound." I promised.

"Albus dear." Ginny started. He tensed but I ran a hand through his hair. He relaxed and then looked at his mum. "We'll leave you be okay? Your dad and I will be downstairs if you want us." She told him. Albus blinked at his mother once before nodding his head once. She smiled and pulled Harry out of the room.

"Alright Albus." I started to lift us up. "Let me put you on the bed." I told him and he panicked very briefly before relaxing. "Shh I won't hurt you." I told him and then walked over to the bed. I placed him down and he curled into ball. However, he allowed me to see his eyes. I sat on the edge of the bed near his head and peered out of window. The blinds were open letting sunlight in. I looked through the window and directly next to his, I could look in to my house. I squinted and noticed that the room was in fact mine. Then a thought hit me from when I moved in a few days ago. I could peer in and just barely make out the other room. It looked to be another boy's room but the window and blinds were closed. "Albus." I gasped softly. He was looking up at me with wide eyes. "Albus, you see that room next to your window?" I asked and he peered through the open window. He looked longingly at the window before back to me. He blinked once and then nodded. "That's my room." I told him. "It's where I sleep." I told him and his eyes snapped back to the room. "So if you ever need me and I'm not here, you can look through the window and I'll probably be at my desk." I told him and he blinked at the open window. He looked back at me and I smiled down at him. "And if I'm not paying attention, you can throw things at me so I look up." I said and for a second, it looked like he was going to smile. But a knock at the door made him tense and get ready to hide. I placed my hand on him to ground him and he relaxed. I looked at the door and it was James.

Small Spaces (Scorbus) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now