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Scorpius' P.O.V

          I walked through the door excited to see my parents after being gone for the year. My trip went amazingly well and I met so many great people. Albus and I skyped almost every day but it wasn't like real him. And I missed that ever so.

            He seemed to be doing well. Ginny was homeschooling him and he excelled at that a great deal. I was happy to see that after a year, he came a long way.

            "Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I shouted and looked around the house. It was empty so I frowned. I walked over to the island and picked up the piece of paper.

            Hi hunny!

            We know you're coming home today but we went over to the Potter's for a bit. Feel free to stop by. I'm sure a certain green eyed boy would love to see you!

            -Love your parents

            I smiled at the note and left my luggage near the door before scooting out. I made my way to the house and didn't bother knocking. I opened the door and from the moment I did, the group of people shouted "Surprise!" I gasped at the small little party.

            "What is all this?" I asked looking around at the decorated house.

            "It's your homecoming party!" My mother hugged me tightly. "We've missed you so much!!"

            "Hi mum, I missed you too." I told her and then kissed her cheek. I hugged my father next who ruffled my hair.

            "You've grown out your hair." He pointed out.

            "Yeah." I told him. "I like it like this. Where's Albus?" I asked and he smirked.

            "He's in the kitchen last time I saw him." He told me so I smiled and made my way into the kitchen after saying hello to Ginny. James was at uni. Albus was sitting on the chair was as he was decorating a cake.

            "There's my favorite boyfriend." I called and he looked up with a smile on his face.

            "Scorpius!" He shouted and then ran over to me. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back just as tightly.

            "I've missed you so much." I whispered into his ear. He kissed my neck.

            "I've missed you too Scorpius." He told me and I smiled. "I wanna give you gift, I've been working on it since you left." He told me and I looked around. Harry and Lily were leaving the kitchen.

            "Okay." I told him. He grabbed me by the hand and then brought me to his room. He sat me on the bed and before grabbing his sketch book, he kissed me furiously on the lips. I gripped his hair and kissed him back. His tongue slipped into my mouth something we had done before I left. God I missed him so much. We pulled away and he grinned,

            "Welcome back."  He told me and then grabbed his sketch book. He ripped out the piece of paper and then turned to me. "It's of us." He told me.

            "Okay." I smiled.

            "It's a welcome back gift." He told me and then handed me the sketch. This was probably the best sketch he's ever done. We were kissing and it very detailed. Down to how his jaw would look since I was taller. It looked like he had been drawing it since I let. Above us, words were written. You're the light in my dark places and my comfort in small spaces. I love you. I got all choked up that I pulled him in for a kiss. This time it was slow and savory. When we pulled away, I looked at him. His eyes were a sparkling green something they never were last year. I knew I saved Albus that night. I had always said I was in the wrong place at the right time. But everything in that year changed including my views. No I wasn't in the wrong place but the right place. Because fate actually brought us together that night just like it did when I first heard of the kidnapped boy. I was fated to save him and he was fated to save me.

            And boy did he save me.

The End

*sniff sniff* Well it's over! Thank you to all your support on this story. I hope you all loved it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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