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Third Person P.O.V

          It was a blur for everyone. Scorpius showing up at the door and next thing he knew was he was in the middle of the Potter's living room. Albus cried out and cowered when Harry went to take him from Scorpius. He was safe with Scorpius, he hadn't tried to hurt him. He didn't want to be hurt anymore. Even when his parents told them who they were, he only wanted the blonde with the gentle voice. Scorpius' parents were called and they rushed over shocked to see the trembling boy in Scorpius' arms. Scorpius retold the story and James chimed in when he told him that he turned right instead of left. He explained that Albus was scared when he found him and that earned a whimper from the boy.

            "I think we should take him to the hospital." Harry declared and everyone agreed.

            "Okay." Scorpius approved. "Albus, I'm gonna give you to your father now, you need to go get checked out." Scorpius told the boy who let out a cry and shook his head vigorously. Scorpius stood up from the couch and went to Harry's ready arms. Just as he was gonna make the exchange, Albus let out a howl of protest and his arm around Scorpius tightened. "Okay shh it's okay." Harry looked heartbroken but nodded. He looked at Astoria and Draco.

            "We'll follow in the car behind you." Astoria told him. "Do you want us to take the others?"  She asked.

            "Yes thank you." Ginny answered. Tears still streamed down her face as her baby boy was so broken in front of her. "Lily and James are you okay with that?"

            "Yes." James answered. He took Lily by the hand and the eight of them made their way out of the house. Ginny opened the door for Scorpius so he could just scoot in the back. However when he settled himself, Albus hopped off his lap and dove for the space between the front seat and the back seat. Presuming where the feet usually go. He buried his face in the seat and when Scorpius went to touch him, he cried out.

            "Shh." Scorpius whispered. He lied down across the back of the seat where Albus' head was and gently placed a hand on his head. Albus flinched but didn't do anything other than that. Scorpius started to stroke Albus' locks and the boy increasingly relaxed. Harry moved his seat up so Albus would have more room but he curled more inside himself. Harry took a deep breath and started the car. The ride to the hospital was silent except the occasion snivel from Albus. Once they got there, it took a lot of coaxing but Scorpius finally got Albus out of the car. Albus instantly curled up to Scorpius who simply picked him up bridal style and they walked into the hospital. Ginny talked to the receptionist as Scorpius took a seat. Lily, James and Scorpius' parents walked in shortly after.  Ginny walked back to where they were sitting and sat on the table in front of Scorpius.

            "They said they'll see him right away. Only family is allowed to go in." She told him.

            "I understand." Scorpius nodded. "I'm sure that he'll relent sooner or later." He told her and she nodded. She reached out and touched her son's head. He trembled and buried his face further into Scorpius' chest. She dropped her head and swallowed hard. "It'll be okay ma'am, just give him some time."  Ginny didn't say anything just nodded.

            "Albus Potter?" The lady called.

            "Okay Albus your mum is gonna take you now." Scorpius told Albus. He went to go do the exchange but Albus cried out. His arms tightened around Scorpius. "Come on Albus, it's okay." Scorpius promised. He tried to pull Albus' hand from around his neck but it didn't work.

            "Albus love, it's okay. Mummy is gonna take you." Ginny put her hands on Albus and he jerked. It took a lot of pulling and tugging but Albus' grip loosened and they brought him on to the stretcher. He was thrashing aggressively and whimpering loudly. All without saying a word. Finally the nurses had to hold him down and sedate him. He cried out piercingly and thrashed until the sedation took over causing him to fall asleep. 

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