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*Jack's POV*

It's Friday night, and I'm alone, again. School was horrible, let me just say. First, my English teacher practically told me straight to my face that I suck at English. Thanks, Mr. Kleen. So it looks like I'm in need of a tutor, he says.

Also, my dad called me. Not a big deal, right? Wrong. It is a big deal. Because unlike most fathers, he didn't call me to tell me that he loves me or that he wants to see me or anything even close to that. He called me to tell me that 'he knows I drank his beer'. I tried to explain to him that I couldn't drink his beer if I wasn't even at home. The mind of an alcoholic really amazes me.

There's two types of alcoholics: the one who enjoys drinking, gets crazy, then when they are sober, are totally normal again. Then there are the other alcoholics. The ones who are batshit insane and seem to have no mind, whatsoever.

I bet you can't guess which alcoholic mine is.

The worst part of my dad's alcoholism is that my mom won't even leave him. My sisters and I have enough common sense to stay away from that asshole. But not Susan Gilinsky. She "loves" him too much.

It's tragic, it really is. Get a grip mom, he doesn't love you and he doesn't care about you. I know that because after he spends the night, he won't return for another week. Then, he'll be back, but only for the night. He's like a teenager, only cares about hookups. Even I have more decency than that and I'm only 18.

So my dad is basically the reason behind my being here at boarding school. My mom told me if I couldn't accept the fact that he is my father and that I need to respect him, then I need to leave. The kid who always listens to his mom and does absolutely nothing wrong has to leave. But the asshole alcoholic gets to stay. 


But I didn't care. I didn't need any toxicity in my life and let me tell you, that's all my dad brought. Life is better here anyway. When you hate your home as much as I did, boarding school is basically heaven. I also have friends here that aren't backstabbing and fake. My hometown has a lot of those, but out here there doesn't seem to have too many. Or maybe I just realized how to keep my distance from that kind.

Plus, I met Danielle. It kind of even makes all the abuse and fights worth it. Because if that didn't happen, I wouldn't have met her at this boarding school.

Everyone has a past. Whether it's a good past or a bad. Everyone has one. 

I've had a bad past. Dani has had a bad past. Not trying to toot a horn, but toot toot.

Maybe fate brought us together.

Or maybe I'm just a geek who watches too maybe romance movies.

But right now, I feel like all she needs is a friend. A friend to hold her through the crying and sadness.

She had a broken mind and I am determined to fix it. Maybe now, perhaps.

I overheard that Phoebe and Sophia went home for the weekend. And it seems like Dani needs a friend right now.

So what does that mean?

It means it's time for me to show her that she does have someone.

It's only 7:00 and I have the perfect place to go.

I called Dani. She answered on the 4th ring. 

"Hello?" She answered, sounding much better than earlier this morning.

"Hey, what's been happening?" I smiled through the phone, just at the sound of her voice. 

"Just relaxing, doing homework. The usual. You?"

Tattooed Tears (A Jack Gilinsky Fanfiction) ❤︎Where stories live. Discover now