4. Truth? - Maybe

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School finally started and it turned out that Louis was allowed to go to school on the first day.
One week already passed and Louis and Harry are really close friends now. Zayn not so much, but they don't care, at least they have Liam on their side.
Zayn is acting really weird around the lads and Liam is kinda getting worried, he has to question his friend as soon as possible.

"Can I talk to you mate?" Liam questions as Zayn and him make their way to their lockers "Sure, what's up," Zayn says putting his things into his messenger bag.
"Why do you hate Louis so much?" Liam questions and Zayn stops what he's doing to look at his friend, Zayn is tense and Liam can see that. "Come on mate, it can't be that bad," Liam pushes.
"I was in love with him, okay," Zayn says loud enough so only Liam can hear "What? How did that happen?" Liam asks surprised, he did know that Zayn is attracted to boys, so are Harry and him, but he never thought that Zayn was in love with a guy before or at all.

Next thing he knows, he's been dragged into the janitor's closet and pushed slightly towards the wall.
"Sit down," Zayn demands and Liam does as told before the tanned boy sits down himself.
"I've know Louis since I was in third and he in first grade, we hit it off immediately... in sophomore year, I started to have feelings for him, but I didn't say anything." Zayn explains and his friend motions him to go on "When he was a freshman he had a boyfriend and when he told me about Andrew, I was so heartbroken...He suddenly stopped seeing me every day after school and when he did see me, I saw some bruises on his stomach and other parts," Zayn continues "That's no reason to hate him, though, is it?" Liam says earning a death glare from the tanned boy. "I don't hate him because he broke my heart, I'm mad that he lied to me for over six months... When he didn't talk at all, I just couldn't do it anymore. He wouldn't tell me what happened and we kinda drifted apart after that," Zayn finishes "I think you should apologize, I mean... it's been four years and I'm pretty sure he would like his best friend back," Liam informs before standing up and walking out of the janitor's closet and towards his math class.
Zayn just sits there thinking about what Liam just said.
He's brought back to reality by the bell and decides to go to class even if he'll zone out or fall asleep.

"- I don't blame him you know," Harry says but stops as he notices that Louis isn't even paying attention and neither is Liam which is kinda weird. He notices that they are looking at someone behind him and he turns around to see Zayn staring back at them when he turns back to his two friends he sees Liam whispering something into Louis' ear. Louis nods at whatever Liam said before the older boy says 'bye' and goes to the washroom, leaving Louis and Harry on their own "What did he say to you?" Harry questions 'He told me to talk to Zayn,' Louis writes before waving 'bye' to Harry and walking towards Zayn.
Harry shrugs of the fact that Louis abandoned him and makes his way to the cafeteria, because he's starving.
He sits on his table and waits for the other boys to come.

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