20. "We're still broken up though,"

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"Where are you going?" Frank questions as he walks downstairs to find Louis putting on his shoes. "I'm going to school," he responds as he ties his shoelace "It's seven in the morning, classes don't start 'till ten," Frank informs looking at the clock above the TV.

"I'm going to pay Harry a visit...he hasn't come out of the house in days," the taller of the two explains.

"Okay, well...hug him for me, will ya?" Frank half-questions before disappearing into the kitchen.

Louis shakes his head lightly as he puts on his jacket before walking out of Frank's house.

Amy let him out of the hospital yesterday and he wanted to go to Harry's then, but he didn't get the chance to because he was really tired when Frank took him to his house.

Mikey is pretty jet-lagged and he'll start school next week so Frank is taking him to college tomorrow. Frank doesn't want Mikey to be alone at home all the time.

Louis isn't sure why he wants to go over to Harry's. He doesn't know what to say to the curly haired boy, because firstly, he hasn't made up his mind yet and to be honest he's scared.

He's scared that he'll make things worse and that Harry will hate him for destroying his relationship with Zayn and for being the ass that he is for cheating on his boyfriend with his best friend.

More than once actually.

He knows that Harry is upset because of it and he figures that Harry seeing him in the hospital like that broke the curly haired boy's heart.

Just like that, he's already in front of Harry's door which isn't surprising considering they live close to each other.

Not as close as Frank and Louis do, but it's still close.

Louis takes a deep breath before knocking on the door and after what seems like forever he hears a deep voice from inside.

"Who is there?" Harry calls and Louis takes another deep breath before answering "Ehm...It's Louis," and silence.

He figures that Harry is hesitating to open the door and he's right because Harry does eventually open it.

And from what Louis can see – which isn't much by the way – Harry looks pretty bad. His hair is greasy and dishevelled as if he didn't leave his bed in days.

Which Louis assumes is what really happened.

"H-Hi," the feathery-haired boy greets with a small smile and he's surprised to see Harry's lips twitch up a little. "You look better," Harry points out with a raspy voice because he just started talking after a few days.

"Thanks," Louis says smiling a little more, "Do you mind if I come in?" he adds and Harry shoots a quick look inside the house before turning back to Louis. "It's kinda messy around here," the curly haired boy says.

"I don't mind...my house isn't the cleanest either," Louis says, smile still intact.

"Fine," Harry breathes out before stepping to the side and opening the door completely. "Thank you," Louis says as he steps inside the house.

"So...how have you been?" Harry questions as he closes the door after Louis walks through. "I was bored out of my mind in that hospital and I'm glad that my nurse Amy let me go home yesterday, or else I would've been stuck there 'till Wednesday or something," the younger of the two responds, making Harry chuckle a little.

Louis is happy that Harry is smiling again and he's glad that they're talking because Harry didn't talk to anyone those past few days, not even with Liam and Liam is Harry's best friend.

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