10. Blame it on the Alcohol

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It's been a week since Louis and Zayn had their one night stand and they did go to normal, that is until yesterday. Zayn called the younger lad to 'talk' and they ended up making out and banging each other again.

Today, the same thing only this time Louis knows that what he's doing is terribly wrong.

"We can't keep doing this, me and Harry are together now," Louis informs and Zayn shrugs in response "And I'm dating Perrie," he say "They're going to find out eventually," the younger of the two says while fixing his hair. "You're not gonna tell Harry and I'm not gonna tell Perrie, it's that simple," Zayn informs and Louis shakes his head in disbelief because he knows it'll slip off their lips some day.

"You're an asshole you know that?" Louis questions, "I love asshole and I'm not ashamed of it," Zayn smirks and Louis hits his arm playfully before they make their way out of the janitor's closet, breathing in relief because no one's around to see them.

"Are you going to eat lunch?" Zayn asks as they make their way to the cafeteria and Louis shakes his head "You haven't eaten...you need to eat," Zayn exclaims and Louis shakes his head once again "I made pancakes this morning...I love pancakes," Louis informs and to be honest it's a big fat lie. Zayn shoots him a look before deciding to ignore it "Sure...Whatever," he says shrugging, before stepping inside the cafeteria.

Harry and Niall are still there because you know Niall, he loves food and Harry is a good friend so he keeps him company.

Liam's still not in school but the doctors let him go home two days ago and Niall has been going over there - like always - he'll back on Monday though, which is awesome, because they'll get to spend more time with him.

"Did you guys hear about the party tomorrow?" Zayn inquires as he plops on the chair beside the Irish lad and the boys look at him confused. "Perrie's friend Amy is throwing a party and she's calling everyone she knows, which includes us...We're supposed to meet them tomorrow at Cargo at about Nineish," Zayn explains. "I would love to, but I'm spending the weekend with Liam," Niall responds after swallowing his food, and nobody's surprised by his answer to be honest, "We should go to the party," Harry says looking at Louis who's not really fond of the idea and the curly-haired lad knows it. "Or we could stay at your," Harry suggests and Louis shakes his head, "No, you should go...you miss going out with your mates," Louis argues "But I don't want to go without you," Harry pleads and the feathery-haired lad sighs before nodding his head, "Yay," Harry exclaims kissing his boyfriend's cheek, which makes Zayn's stomach turn a little.

He's jealous, there's no other explanation for it, he's simply jealous and he knows it's not going to be easy going back to normal, he always knew that, but he still wanted to try it out.

"Are you okay?" Harry inquires as he sits down beside Zayn in their English class, "I'm great, why?" the older of the two questions and Harry shrugs. "You seem lost...thinking about something," the curly-haired lad tries to explain, earning a look from his fellow classmate and putting his hands up in defense, "You asked," he informs and before Zayn can say anything in response, Ms. Adams walks into the class, greeting everyone.

She looks chipper, and every single student is wondering what she's so happy about, so one student decides to ask what the bloody hell is going on and Ms. Adams lifts her head up from her organizer to look at her students.

"I talked to Mr. McManus and he has allowed us to spend two weeks in Italy with Ms. Ferguson's class," she informs and the students start to cheer. Zayn and Harry smile at each other, because they'll be spending time with their friends from freshman year in Italy, which means chaos.

At least Zayn thinks so, because he knows something will happen.

Louis is thinking the exact same thing as Zayn right now. Two weeks in Italy, together 24/7 in the same room with all those Hormones of his being crazy and doing their own thing. Only bad things can happen.

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