19. The only two options

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It's the weekend and Louis is still in hospital because the doctors are still trying to make him gain weight, which is hard considering he's anorexic and refuses to eat most of the time.

Frank is spending the weekend with him, but Louis can tell that Frank mostly just came to see Amy and flirt with her.

It turns out that she's actually interested in him and they're even going on a date next Friday...let's see how that goes.

Harry didn't come to the hospital again and there's a part of Louis, which is actually happy about it. Moreover, if it wasn't for the part of him that loves Harry, he would be perfect and wouldn't give a shit if Harry came or not.

However, since that part does exist, Louis is kinda miserable and he wants someone to cuddle.

He can stand up without help so he decides to do that and make his way towards Frank, who just came out of the bathroom.

Louis doesn't say anything, he simply wraps his arms around the shorter boy's neck.

Frank lets out a weird squeak of surprise before hugging back "Are you okay?" he asks, not letting go. "Yeah, I just felt like hugging my best friend," Louis informs as he closes his eyes, burying his face in the crook of Frank's neck.

Frank caresses the boy's head as some sort of comfort because he can tell that something is up and he knows Louis won't admit it.

So he decides to cheer the taller boy up.

"I've got some good news," he informs, still hugging the other boy and it doesn't look like Louis will let go anytime soon.

"Mikey is on his way, he'll be at the airport at three pm," he adds and Louis looks at him with a smile, because he's eager to finally meet Mikey in person.

"Are you going to pick him up?" Louis questions letting go of the shorter boy. "I would if I had a car," Frank says. "You could ask Harry or Liam, they both have one," Louis suggests and Frank decides to ask Liam because he doesn't want to upset Louis by calling Harry over.

While Louis walks back to the bed, Frank dials Liam's number.

"Frankie, how are you?" is the first thing Liam says as he picks up the phone and it's understandable, considering they haven't seen each other for over two weeks. "I'm great...you?" Frank asks "I'm bored...Harry is moping around in his house and he doesn't want to see anyone. Zayn went on a road trip with Perrie and Niall is with his family in Ireland," Liam informs and he does sound bored. "So...Niall still didn't come out to his parents?" Frank questions, earning a simple 'yes' for an answer.

"I called to ask for a favor," Frank informs, getting to the point why he called Liam in the first place. "Anything," Liam says, "Do you mind if I borrow your car? A friend of mine is coming to the airport and I wanted to pick him up," the younger of the two explains. "Sure, anything to get me out of the house...I'll be there in ten," Liam informs before saying his goodbyes and hanging up.

"It looks like Liam is going to pay you a visit," Frank says as he pockets his phone.

"Here's money for gas," Liam says handing Frank some money "And here are the keys," he adds handing the shorter boy the car keys.

Frank decides to go to the airport now in case he gets stuck in a traffic jam on the way there.

While Liam sits down, the American boy says his goodbyes, telling Louis he'll be back later with Mikey.

Once Frank is gone, there's an awkward silence between the two remaining boys in the room.

Liam wants to talk to Louis about his decision between Harry and Zayn, but he doesn't know how to approach the subject.

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