16. Always

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It's been two days since the incident with the boys.

Louis didn't talk to them, he even changed rooms and is currently sharing a room with Frank, because Frank is the only one he talks to.

He's been avoiding Harry and Zayn as best as he can and Frank's been helping him with that.

Frank knows that Louis can't be alone at the moment and he won't leave the boy's side, because bad things can happen when you're alone.

After Gee had died, Frank wanted to end his life. He was so depressed that he found himself on a bridge just wondering what the point of this was.

But he didn't end it, he thought about Mikey and what would happen to him after losing the two people he cared about the most. He couldn't do it to the scrawny kid with the social anxiety. He just couldn't.

Frank doesn't know what it's like to have trouble in a love-triangle, but he know Louis and he knows that the boy can't make up his mind, nor control his feelings, I mean he is still a teenager and teenagers have trouble making out what they are really feeling.

Louis is shy, he gets nervous and breaks down when there's too much pressure on him and he doesn't know why, it is what it is.

"You do know that you have to fix this, right?" Frank questions breaking the silence he though no one would break. "I know," Louis says putting his legs up to his chest "But how?" he adds shooting a look at the shorter boy and Frank shrugs. "I don't know," he informs and he really doesn't know, because as I already mentioned before, he doesn't know what it's like to have trouble in a love-triangle. "But what I do know is that they're both very worried about you," he adds and Louis covers his face with his hands, groaning in frustration.

"How am I supposed to tell them how I feel when I don't even know myself?" Louis questions after a while. "Things like that take time, but you'll figure it out, I know you will," Frank informs shooting him a small smile, which Louis returns.

"You always know the right thing to say," Louis points out while sitting down properly and resting his back against the wall. "This all comes from experience my friend," Frank smiles and his friend shoots him a questioning look.

"No, I wasn't stuck in a love-triangle, but I did have to sort out my feelings once. I always thought I was straight and I got really confused when I started having feelings for Gee. After a while I accepted the fact that I was not only bisexual, but also in love with my best friend," Frank explains without Louis having to ask.

"In love? You were in love with Gee. Why did you say you only had a crush on him?" the taller of the two questions and Frank shoots him a look and stops to think for a moment. "Because I thought that's what it was, it turns out that it was more than that," Frank admits and now Louis knows why Frank was so broken up about Gee's death.

But before Louis can say or do anything, Frank's phone starts to ring and he picks it up. "Morning Mikes," Frank greets with a smile, which soon fades when he notices that Mikey was crying.

"What's wrong?" he questions with a frown on his face. "My mum kicked me out and I have no idea where to go," Mikey informs, his voice cracking a little because the crying he did earlier.

"Why the fuck did she do that?" Frank questions in shock while Louis just sits there looking at the shorter boy with frowned eyebrows.

"How the fuck should I know? I was at school - like always - and when I came home, my key didn't fit and all my stuff was packed and stashed in front of the garage," Mikey half-yells. Frank is stunned that Donna would do something like that to her son and so is Louis, considering he heard Mikey's rant.

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