22. As guilty as Zayn

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Louis was right about Liam and the fact that he would forgive Zayn as long as they talked it out. Zayn is thankful for that, because he has all his friends back...well, all except one – Harry.

Harry is still not very fond of the fact that everyone forgave Zayn just like that.

He does understand why they did it, but he's still not fond of it.

He's still mad that Zayn took advantage of Louis, but he feels bad for not wanting to have anything to do with his long time best friend.

Harry knows that Louis and Zayn knew each other long before he did, but that still doesn't give Zayn the right to take advantage.

The curly haired boy doesn't want to admit it, but he can be an arrogant ass himself sometimes, but it happens so rarely that there's no real need to admit it.

Liam and Zayn are the complete opposite, it's a miracle how well they get on and how long they have been getting on. They did have arguments those past three years, but since Liam can't stay mad at anyone, the arguments were soon forgotten.

Harry kinda wishes to be like Liam and to be able to forgive people for the shit they've done.

"They forgave him, didn't they?" Dani says appearing out beside Harry and making him jump a little. "Yes, they did," Harry responds, before looking at his friend, "Does Perrie know about what he did?" he questions and Dani shakes her head, "And I hope it stays that way," she says and Harry furrows his eyebrows. "Zayn is the first guy to make her happy and I don't want to destroy that," the girl informs.

Harry puts his arm around her shoulder "I get it," he says before looking around, "Where's Jess? I haven't seen her in a while," he adds, his arm remaining in it's place. "She left...she couldn't stay in college, it reminded her to much of Riley," Dani responds with a little sadness in her tone. "I miss her," she whispers, "You're gonna see her again, don't worry," Harry ensures wrapping his arms around her small frame.

"Where have you been?" Louis questions as he bumps into Harry on his way to class. "Around, why?" the curly-haired boy questions, "Nothing, it's just...you weren't at lunch and everyone was asking about you," the feathery-haired boy responds. "There's no need to worry about me, I just wasn't hungry," Harry informs and Louis looks at him, "You're not gonna turn into me, are you?" he asks jokingly and Harry shakes his head with a chuckle while ruffling Louis' hair.

"You should go to class or you'll be late," Harry says pushing the other boy lightly. "Okay mom," Louis chuckles making his way to class.

Once Louis is gone, Harry's smile slowly fades as he walks out of school instead of going to class.

He has no idea why, but he just wants to get out of here, to get out of London. He should go visit his mom who moved to Manchester a few weeks ago, see how the new house looks like and spend some time with her.

He would love to go, like now, but he can't afford getting kicked out of college or re-do the year.

Because the end of his college years is approaching and next thing you know, he and all his friends will be working and they may never see each other again.

That's one of the reasons he's going to have patience. He loves his friends too much and he wants to spend time with them for as long as he can,

He's going to escape everything just this once, he's just gonna have to find an excuse to tell Liam tomorrow, because Liam is definitely going to ask.

"Where the hell were you yesterday afternoon?" Liam questions as he bumps into Harry, accidently dropping his books. He completely ignores them, looking at his curly haired friend and waiting for a good explanation. "I wasn't feeling well I had a migraine and I went home," Harry responds. "What is going on with you? First you don't show up in school for days and you don't even bother talking to anyone about it...And when you're back the first thing you do is skip lunch and you skip your favorite class? Seriously Harry you need to talk to us," Liam says and everybody can sense his frustration. "Is it because we forgave Zayn after what he did?" he questions and Harry shakes his head saying 'No'.

Liam raises his eyebrow, because he can tell when Harry is lying, well at least most of the time.

"Okay, yes, that's why...I just don't get how you guys forgave him so easily after what he did," the curly haired boy says.

"When something like that happens, two people are always involved. Louis is just as guilty as Zayn...but they're both our friends and like Lou said, we should erase them of our lives because of that one mistake," Liam informs patting his friend's shoulder, before picking up his books from the ground.

"Think about that," he adds before making his way to class.

Harry looks after him for a moment, before turning to his locker to get his material out.

The words 'Louis is as guilty as Zayn' and 'We shouldn't erase them out of our lives for that one mistake' running through his head over and over again.

Even in class, that's all he can think about.

He's not even paying attention to the teacher or anything at all really.

And Liam notices that, "You don't need to break your head about what I said," he half-whispers, getting his friend's attention. "You were the one who told me to think about it," Harry informs. "Yeah I did, but you don't have to make it more complicated than it already is," the older of the two says.

Harry sighs before trying to pay attention to the teacher.

"You're drooling," Louis says as he appears beside Mikey and the younger boy jumps a little, making Louis smile lightly. "No I'm not," Mikey says wiping his mouth with his sleeve just to make sure. "Than what are you doing?" the feathery haired boy questions crossing his arms. "Waiting for Frank," Mikey stutters and Louis rolls his eyes. "You don't have to lie to me Mikes...I know you were gazing at someone. My question is who were you gazing at?" the older of the two asks and Mikey sighs before motioning to "Zayn?" Louis gasps looking at Mikey wide eyed. "He's attractive you know," the scrawny boy informs. "I know...but you do know what happened right?" Louis says.

"No offence buddy, but it takes two people to do that, you're as guilty as him," Mikey points out and it strikes Louis' heart like an arrow. "Sorry," Mikey half-whispers before walking towards Zayn, Dani and Perrie.

Louis is kinda surprised that Mikey would say something like that, but the boy is right. Louis is as guilty as Zayn.

"You okay Lou?" Frank questions as he turns up beside him, "Yeah, I'm fine," Louis says patting his friend's shoulder before walking away.

Frank watches him with furrowed eyebrows, before turning around to see Mikey watching Louis walk away and he has a kinda sad look on his face, which makes Frank look even more confused.

"Mikey, did you say something to Louis?" Frank questions as he approaches the group.

"Yes I did and it was something I shouldn't have said," Mikey informs with the sad look still on his face.

"What did you say to him?" the shorter of the two questions and Mikey shoots a quick look at the others before whispering it into Frank's ear.

"Why the fuck did you say that?" Frank half-yells, getting the attention from everyone in the hallway, "Because it's true," Mikey says "And you know it," he adds. "But still...you shouldn't have done that," the shorter of the two says, "I know and I did say 'sorry'" Mikey whines and Frank shakes his head "Sorry doesn't make it better Michael," he says before walking away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this to you," Louis blurts out as he reaches Harry, "Calm down, what are you even talking about?" the curly-haired boy asks. "I'm talking about what I did to you with Zayn, it's all my fault, I should've never agreed to that stupid deal," Louis says and Harry frowns "What deal?" he asks and Louis looks down with sigh, before looking back at Harry.

"Before we started dating, Zayn and I 'did it' and he promised that it would be only that one time, but it turned out that he couldn't hold the deal. He couldn't keep his hands from me and he kept trying to get in my pants and he did. A few times," Louis explains.

"While we were dating," Harry asks "Most of it was before we started dating, but yea, even then," Louis says and he's ashamed for it.

Harry looks hurt and it's there for everyone to see.

"I know you don't want to have anything to do with me... I understand and I won't bother you anymore," Louis informs when there's no response, before walking away.

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