11. Little Blue Box

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Louis has problems, everyone knows that, but now he added another problem to his list – Alcohol. Ever since the Party on Friday, he's been drinking a lot and it's only Sunday. He knows what happened at the Party, he knows he cheated on Harry again, but now he can clearly blame it on the Alcohol.

The Alcohol added with what's inside his head most of the time, means chaos and probably, even more, breakdowns than before.

He has like hundred missed calls from Harry as well as Zayn and a hundred more texts from both of them, even Niall sent a text asking if he's okay.

Louis didn't answer any of them and Harry even came over to his house to check up on him, but Louis didn't open the door because he was too busy wallowing in self-pity and trying to get away from his thoughts as well as trying to fight the fight the urge to eat, because drunks get hungry.

He's been puking a lot, considering of how much Alcohol he drank in the last two days and his stomach is so empty from the not eating that his puke consists entirely of liquid, which can be good because it doesn't have such a horrible after taste.

Louis knows he's sick, he just doesn't want to admit it to himself and he doesn't want his friends to know the truth either because he knows they'll probably send him to a psychologist or even the mental ward or something and he doesn't want that.

Okay maybe he's overreacting, his friends wouldn't put him in a mental ward, because his mom is the only one that has the right to make that decision.

Speaking of his mom, she just texted him asking if he's okay and Louis decides to respond with a simple 'Yes' brefore complaining to himself why everyone is asking if he's okay.

Well, to be honest it's not that much of a surprize, considering they haven't heard from him in days and he's not planing on going to college tomorrow, because he's going to get a big ass hangover tomorrow and he doen't want to go to school with his head banging like those factory machines.

Louis knows that he shouldn't miss school because Kings College is expensive. He may be rich, but it's a lot of money he has to spend on every term and his mum can't afford to pay the days he misses, because she needs the money for her four younger daughters.

Louis doesn't know how long he can keep the things in his head a secret. He knows that someday he'll burst and he has to tell someone eventually, or his thoughts will end up killing him in the end.

Problem is he can't..

The last person he told his secrets to ended ip being an abusive asshole *cough* Andrew *cough*.

Louis has made to himself once, that he'll wait for the right person.

Okay maybe that promise isn't that good considering that he thought Andrew was the right person to tell, but Andrew only made things worse, adding a few more problems to Louis' list, because like I said, he was an abusive asshole.

After getting a few more texts from his friends which remain unresponded, he decides to put the bottle of whisky away and slowly make his way up to his room, were he's greeted by the stench of puke and it makes him sick.

He rushes to the bathroom next door and he barely reaches the toilet before puking out all the liquid contents from his stomach.

He knows he's going to feel sick again when he enters his room, but he goes in there anyway to clean it a little.

Once he's done, he just sits there, eyes fixed on a little blue box on his table.

He found the box again a few days ago, but he never bothered to unlock it and he's fighting the urge to do so, because if he does, there's no going back.

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