13. Keep an eye on him

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It's Tuesday and Louis decided to go to school this time. He doesn't even know why.

Maybe it's because he doesn't want to disappoint his new friend?

Well, he could lie to Frank and tell him that he went to school, but that would break their friendship and Louis doesn't want that, even though they only met yesterday.

"Louis where the bloody hell have you been?" Harry questions appearing out of nowhere and making Louis jump a little. When the shorter of the two is about to answer, he sees an even shorter figure through the corner of his eyes and he decides to keep his mouth shut and make his way to said figure. "Frankie," he calls before wrapping his arms around the shorter boy, surprising him and leaving Harry confused.

"It's you," Frank acknowledges hugging his friend back and Louis lets go shortly after, "Why didn't you tell me that you go to this school?" Louis questions, "I forgot," is all that Frank says before Harry turns up beside them, "*looks at Louis* I still want an explanation *turns to Frank* and who are you?" the curly haired boy says "I'm Frank, his neighbor," Frank informs motioning to Louis. "And you're American," Harry points out. "Yes...I'm from New Jersey," Frank smiles, "Wait...Belleville New Jersey?" Harry questions and Frank nods his head "My sister goes to the art college in New York, but she's staying in Belleville," Harry informs and Frank smiles "I think I know her," he informs and Harry raises an eyebrow "You do?" he asks "Is it...Gemma Styles or something?" Frank says, unsure if he's right and Harry smile, "Yeah, that's her," he informs and before he can ask anything else, Frank interrupts him, "We had art class together, before I transferred here," he explains and Louis is happy that Harry is distracted right now, but his inner happiness fades when Harry asks where he's been.

Louis decides to do what Frank said "I felt sick and stayed in bed the entire weekend," he lies and Harry doesn't seem to notice it, "I told you to slow down with the drinks," the curly haired boy points out.

"I don't want interrupt, but I have to go to the principal's office; don't you guys have class in two minutes?" Frank chimes in and Harry looks at the clock "You're right, I'll see you guys later," he informs before giving Louis a quick kiss and disappearing towards his class.

"See you at lunch," Louis says before disappearing in another direction, while Frank makes his way to the office.

Louis arrives in class five minutes late, because he had to grab a book from his locker and he sits down, one last late student walks in and a slip signed before sitting down on the empty desk behind Louis.

"Hi", Louis greets as he realizes it's Frank and the shorter of the two frowns a little. "I thought you were a junior," Frank half-whispers and Louis raises an eyebrow, "And I thought you were one," he responds.

"And I'm Niall, hello," the Irish lad chimes in, joining the conversation, "I'm Frank," Frank half-whispers and before the teacher notices, they pay attention to him.

"As you've already heard, I'm the teacher responsible for the money regarding your trip to Italy next week. Since I had a meeting yesterday, I wasn't able to collect it, so I would like you to hand me the envelope with the money at the end of class." Mr. Reeves – their science teacher – says before opening his organizer and writing something on the board.

(Mr. Reeves is a young teacher he's in his mid-twenties and this is his second year at Kings College.)

"What have I missed yesterday?" Louis asks as him, Niall and Frank leave class for lunch. "Nothing special only that your boyfriend was very moody, Zayn was acting weird, I explained my sexuality to my boyfriend, Dani was caught banging some dude in the janitors closet and Ste had a fight with one of the junkies while Doug was trying to help him," Niall explains, leaving the two other boys wide-eyed.

"Why do things only happen when I'm not in school?" Louis asks to no one in particular. "Happens to me to," Frank informs, "In High School we had a girl who got knocked up by one of the popular guys and she gave birth to the baby in the school cafeteria, but I missed it because I was at home puking my guts out," he adds and Louis swallows hard at the last part.

Frank notices it and casually wraps his arm around Louis' shoulder as a sort of apology.

"Why did you skip school yesterday?" Niall questions, "I felt sick and I spend my weekend in bed," the taller of the three explains, not having the courage to say the truth, which is 'I got shit-faced the entire weekend and puked my guts out during the night.'

"And what did you mean with 'Explaining my sexuality to my boyfriend'?" he questions, coming back to what they were talking earlier.

"I'm not gay nor straight – you call me whatever you want – but I'm attracted to people and if I think someone's hot, then they're hot, no matter the gender," Niall informs and Louis nods in acknowledgment.

"I'll be right back," Frank informs making his way towards Harry while Louis waits for Niall who's currently organizing his locker.

"Hey, Frank," Harry greets as Frank approaches him, responding with a simple smile.

"What's wrong?" the curly haired boy questions as he sees the expression of the other. "I'm fine, I just wanted to talk to you in private," the shorter of the two says and Harry motions for him to talk. "I'm not actually supposed to say this, because it's none of my business, but I think you should know this," Frank says emphasizing the 'you' and Harry looks alarmed – a little at least.

"Don't be alarmed, I just want you to keep an eye on your boyfriend, because he didn't look good yesterday and he's still not feeling good. He only came to school because I wanted him to...just don't leave him on his own, he needs someone," Frank explains and Harry throws a quick look in Louis' direction before turning back to the shorter figure.

"You're his neighbor; can't you keep an eye on him too?" Harry questions "I could but I'm not his boyfriend," Frank informs sighing a little, before patting Harry's shoulder and making his way back to Niall and Louis.

" – right?" Louis questions and Niall nods his head "But why?" Louis adds "How should I know? Ask him," Niall informs and Frank has no idea about what's going on, "What are you guys talking about?" he questions and that's when they both acknowledge his presence.

"Ehm...we were talking about Zayn and why he was acting weird yesterday," Louis responds "If you really want to know, I also suggest talking to him," Frank says "Can we go eat now?" he adds and Niall closes his locker in response.

"Frank, wait up," Harry calls making the shorter boy freeze on the spot and turn around, "I'm going to need your help with Louis," the curly haired boy says as he reaches Frank. "I figured," Frank sighs. "Well...I can't really be there all the time for him," Harry informs and Frank can understand why, "I don't want you to hang out with him 24/7 either, I just want you to keep me updated you know, tell me the things I probably didn't notice," the taller of the two informs and Frank nods his head "Sure," he promises "You're the best," Harry points out giving him a man-hug before saying his goodbyes and disappearing towards his class.

Frank stands there for a moment, wondering how Harry didn't notice anything wrong with Louis.

Okay, Frank can't blame him, because he didn't know what Gee was going through either and once the short boy is satisfied with his conclusion, he makes his way to class himself.

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