3. Greetings

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Harry's been going to the hospital for the last three days to see how Louis is doing. The younger boy woke up last night and he didn't say anything, I mean, write, he didn't write anything and Harry bought him a notepad, which didn't help with anything, but today is a new day and Harry is hoping that his new friend at least greets him.

Much to Harry's pleasure, Louis does greet him this time, it's just a tired smile, but it's something, right.
"Hey Lou," Harry greets back and Louis grabs the notepad that has been on his bedside table since yesterday.
'I'm sorry for being an ass yesterday,' he writes and Harry brushes it off as nothing "I'm just glad you're okay," the curly haired boy says sitting down on the chair. 'Well, I'm probably going to miss the first days of college, but whatever,' Louis writes "You don't have to with about that, the first week always sucks," Harry says and Louis chuckles like really chuckles and for a moment there Harry forgot that Louis was even mute.

"You know, two of my friends came to see you when you were brought here," Harry says leaning back on the chair and Louis burrows his eyebrows in a questioning manner "Zayn and Liam were worried about what happened," the curly haired boy explains 'Zayn? As in Zayn Malik?' The younger boy questions earning a nod from his friend. 'I thought that he hates me,' Louis adds "he doesn't hate you, he's just...mad that you didn't say why you suddenly went mute," the curly haired boy explains and Louis looks down knowing that Harry will ask about it "Why did it happen anyway?" Harry questions and Louis facepalms mentally. 'I would love to tell you, but I can't, sorry' "It's okay, we don't have to rush anything," Harry responds and a smile appears on Louis' face Harry smiles back and they start to chat.

'No way, I'm also going to Kings College,' Louis chimes "I could show you around if you want to," Harry suggests and Louis nods.
There's a knock on the door and the boys turn around to see the doctor "Good afternoon boys... Mr.Tomlinson, I'm here to tell you that you'll be Andi l able to go home tomorrow morning," the doctor says and Louis is happy and sad at the same time, why is he sad you ask? Well, first of all, he's happy that he can finally get out of things stinking hospital room, but the sad thing is that he'll be alone at home and he won't be able to go to school on Monday.
"I could give you a ride home and stay there for a while," Harry says as if he read Louis mind "Alright then... You can pick him up tomorrow at ten," the doctor says before saying goodbye and leaving the room.
'Thanks, Harry, but you don't have to,' Louis writes and he's kinda hoping that Harry denies it "I want to, I won't leave you on your own," Harry says and they both smile.
There's another knock on the door and the boys look to see Liam standing there with a plastic bag in his hand "Hey Liam," Harry greets and Louis just waves his hand.

Liam came to the hospital with Harry yesterday to see how Louis was doing and that's how they know each other a little.

"I brought you guys some food, hospital food sucks," Liam informs motioning to the bag on his hand, Louis mouths a 'thank you,' and Liam smiles getting the burgers out of the bag and handing them to the two boys.
He sits beside Harry and whispers "Zayn didn't want tho come," "He didn't have to," Harry responds before taking a bite of his hamburger.

'So you guys are twenty?' Louis questions "My birthday is next month and Harold has six months to go," Luan responds leaning back on his chair.
"And you're eighteen?" He adds 'In four months,' Louis says in sign language and surprisingly the two boys understand it.
The three of them keep chatting like that until Liam and Harry have to go.

"I don't get why Zayn is still mad at him... It's been what? Three/four years?" Liam questions and Harry just shrugs "The kid is one of the sweetest and nicest people I've ever met," Liam adds "He is, isn't he?" Harry agrees and they hop into the car.
"Can I sleep over at your house tonight? It's closer to the hospital and I have to pick Louis up tomorrow morning," Harry questions once he starts the engine "Of course... It's been ages since you did that," Liam agrees and Harry starts to drive.

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