5. Little Talks

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Louis has been acting a little weird since he talked with Zayn and everyone can see the hurt in the tan boy's eyes.
They didn't say a word since yesterday which is weird because Zayn is one of the loudest people Harry knows. Also, Harry is very aware that Liam knows more than him.
He can tell when his friends are hiding something.

The curly haired boy is really confused and he's wondering what happened the other day.
He's wondering what made his friend so upset, that he isn't talking.
With Louis, it's something else because he never talks anyway so Harry isn't that concerned about him, but he is a little worried about his new friend, or might I say crush?
Yea, Harry has a crush on the younger boy, he can't help it.
Louis is cute, I can tell you that. Who wouldn't love him?

"You know what happened yesterday don't you?" Harry questions looking at his friend "Not really, I just told Louis to talk with Zayn and sort things out... I have no idea how the conversation went," Liam responds before paying for his lunch followed by Harry "I think it went bad, because Zayn seems pretty upset," the curly haired boy informs and Liam just nods before making his way to their table where Louis and Zayn are sitting opposite of each other with arms crossed.
Louis is looking down while Zayn is shooting him looks every now and then.
"You know, to have lunch, you actually have to buy lunch," Harry says sitting down beside Louis 'I'm not hungry,' the younger boy writes and Harry sighs before eating his noodles.
The tension is really awkward and no one is saying anything which makes the situation even weirder.
Liam constantly shoots glances between Louis and Zayn to see if he can read their emotions or something and he can tell that whatever happened yesterday, made Zayn really upset and Louis kinda nervous.
He can't figure out what it is, but if they won't talk, he'll never find out.
"What happened between you two yesterday?" Liam questions as they make their way to their last class of the day.
Zayn doesn't respond, he just shrugs and keeps walking "You know I'm going to keep asking, right?" Liam informs and his friend shrugs again, making him roll his eyes "You know you're gonna have to tell me eventually, I mean... I was the one who told you to talk to Louis in the first place," he says and Zayn looks at him for the first time since yesterday "I-I kissed him," Zayn stutters, catching his friend off guard "You... Why are you upset then?" he questions "He pulled away and said he likes someone else," Zayn explains, but before Liam can respond, Harry appears out of nowhere "You kissed Louis... why the fuck did you do that?" he questions "We were taking and it just kinda happened... Don't worry, though, he didn't kiss back," Zayn explains before walking away.
Harry watches him leave before looking at Liam. He just puts his hands up in defense before leaving his curly haired friend on his own.
Harry shakes his head before walking to class himself.
"Do you want to come over to my house today?" Harry questions as they make their way out of the building 'I would love to, but my mom is coming this weekend with my sisters and I have to clean up my house,' Louis writes.
Harry shrugs it off as nothing, but little dies he knows that Louis just wants to be on his own for a while.
Louis is aware that it's not a very good idea for him to be on his own, but he really needs to. He has to think about what happened yesterday and about what Zayn said.
"See you tomorrow then," Harry says interrupting his thoughts. He nods his head before getting embraced by the older boy. He hesitantly hugs back a little tighter and rests his head on the other boy's chest.
"I'm in love with you Louis,"

These words keep playing in Louis' head the entire way to his house.
At least he gets why Zayn was so weird around him and Andrew, he was jealous and Louis was too stupid to see it.
He was slowly breaking his friend's heart and he didn't even notice it; he was too caught up making out with his boyfriend.
Okay, Louis, don't start thinking about Andrew, you can't think about him, you know what happens when you do.

Louis decides to clean up the house as assn effort to distract himself from over thinking and it kinda works, but when he's done cleaning up, his mind drifts back to Andrew and the things that happened three years ago bad things. Things that he just wants to lock into the back of his mind forever.

Knock, knock

Louis can hear someone knocking on the door, but he can't move, he can't bring himself to stand up.
"Lou, I know you're in there, please open the door," he heats someone says. He recognizes the voice as Harry's, but he can't do anything about it
"Come on Lou, open the door, I just want to see if you're okay," Harry says and that's when it happens.
"I can't," Louis days for the first time in three years, his voice is hoarse and cracking, but he still manages to repeat the words "I can't" over and over again.
"What do you mean... Do you have a spare key or something?" Harry questions, but he doesn't get a response so he looks under the carpet; when he doesn't find one there, he proceeds to look everywhere else until he finds it under one of the rocks.
He opens the door and rushes over to the shaking figure on the living room floor "Are you okay?" he asks kneeling down beside the younger boy. "Lou?" He calls softly "No I'm not...I can't," Louis says repeatedly while covering his face.
When Harry touches Louis' arm, the younger boy pulls away "Don't touch me, please," he says "Lou, it's okay, it's me... In not gonna hurt you, I just want to help you, okay?" Harry informs and Louis hesitantly bids before gathering his entire strength and sitting up.

"What happened?" the curly haired boy questions when his feathery haired friend calms down. "J-Just bad memories, that's all," he stutters and Harry's lips twitch a little upward because he's the first person Louis talked to after three years.
"Everything is okay, now," Harry says before extending his arms "Come here," he adds and Louis slowly gets over and accepts the hug.
"Are you sure you want me to stay?" Harry questions earning a mid from his friend "I don't want them to come back," he says and it's a very valid reason.
Harry doesn't want to see him crying again and decides to stay, "Do you have any pajamas I can wear?" he asks and Louis motions to his closet. "Pick anything you want," he says and Harry makes his way to the closet and picks something up that will probably fit; when he puts it on, he's surprised to see that it's a little big on him.
He gets under the covers and sits there with his back against the headboard "You look adorable," Louis says before laying down and falling asleep soon after.

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