18. Don't you go straight on me

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"How long has it been? Two weeks?" Harry questions as he sits down in front of Liam, "Almost three Harry," the older of the two says and Niall just sits there not having the slightest idea about what they're talking about.

Liam notices his boyfriend's expression and asks him what's wrong "What are you two even talking about?" the Irish lad questions. "Louis," Harry responds and Niall furrows his brows, "He hasn't been in school for almost three weeks," the curly haired boy adds and Niall shoots him a surprised look "You didn't hear what happened?" Niall asks, earning a look from the other two boys. "What happened?" Liam asks.

"Your boyfriend is in hospital...Frank said something about Louis passing out and not waking up or something," Niall explains and the other two boys look at him in shock, eyes wide open "And you're just telling me this now? Why?" Harry questions and he's pissed at the Irish lad, really pissed.

"Frank first called me two days ago and I thought he told you already," Niall says putting his hands up in defense, "He called me yesterday and said that Louis doesn't want to see you, he's still not over you breaking up with him," he adds putting his hands back down. "You broke up with him?!" Luke questions in shock, "I told you talk to him, not end your relationship," he adds and Harry shrugs. "We made a deal and he accepted it," the curly haired boy says in his defense. "But why skip school for two weeks?" he questions turning his attention back to Niall. "He's trying to avoid you and like I said, he's in the hospital and he's been there for a few days now," Niall responds shrugging. "What about Frank? He hasn't been in school either," Liam points out, "Frank and Louis practically live together and he's the only one Louis talks to...so I guess he's been taking care of his best friend," Niall suggests.

"There's a rumor going around that you broke up with Louis," Dani says as she walks beside Harry. "Is it true?" she asks and Harry doesn't say anything, he just looks down and Dani's eyes widen. "No you didn't..." she gasps, not believing him "Why?" she questions and Harry sighs, "He slept with Zayn and he doesn't know how he feels about me or him," Harry informs. "You mean at the party?" she questions and the curly haired boy shoots her a look. "You knew about that?" he asks. "I saw them talking to each other at the bar and whatever Louis said, made Zayn very excited," Dani informs, "Are you saying that Louis was the one who asked to hook up?" Harry assumes. "I don't know...I couldn't hear what they were saying, I just saw them disappear after that," she says putting her hands up in defense. "You should ask him...I'm sorry," she adds before saying her goodbyes and meeting up with Perrie on the other side of the hallway.

Harry just stands there, stunned about what he just heard. He's so deep in thought that he doesn't notice Liam and Niall walk up to him. "Are you okay mate," Liam questions making Harry jump a little. "I'm...no I'm not," he responds before looking up at his friends. "I'm gonna pay Louis a visit," he adds before quickening his pace, "He doesn't want to see you," Niall calls after him, but Harry ignores the boy and rushes to take a cab.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Frank questions as he sees the curly haired boy walk past him and Harry turns around to face him. He's shocked at how pale the shorter boy is. "First of all...no offense, but you look like shit," he informs and Frank rolls his eyes "I haven't slept in days, no wonder I look like shit," he points out. "Yeah, well...I came to see Louis," the taller of the two says and Franks eyes widen. "He doesn't want to see you...you can't go in there," he says, "You're surely not gonna stop me," Harry informs before storming into the room with Frank rushing in after him.

"You lied to me," Harry bursts out, completely ignoring Louis state, "You told me that Zayn was the one who wanted to hook up with you...but no! You asked him, now explain that to me," he adds walking closer to Louis' hospital bed.

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