Chapter 1- Information

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(A/N Before reading this story, please check out Rough Night. This is the sequel to that one.)

*Joker's POV*

I sat in the booth at my club that I was last with Harley in. I growl at the memory of Batman taking her from me. I look at my man across from me. "This is how it's going to go." I tell him. "You're going to go find out where Harley is, and if you fail, you are going to die." The man nods and gets up walking out.

Travis sits down, "we'll find her J..." He reassuringly squeezes my shoulder and I shrug him off.

"I know we'll fucking find her!" I snap. "I just want to find her now!" I stand up and leave the booth, pushing passed the crowded club. I sit at the bar and wave my hand at the bartender. "Vodka... Straight." I tell him.

He nods and pours me a shot. "How've you been J?"

"Oh you know...." I take the shot and he pours me another. "I've been dandy. You know with my girlfriend gone and all." I let out a long laugh, causing people to turn and look at me.  I stand taking the second shot and slap his shoulder before walking off.

I need something to take my mind off of it. I think. I just called her my girlfriend for fucks sakes. The closest to that she ever gets from me is when I came her my Queen instead of the Queen.

"Mr. J?" My thoughts and interrupted and I just wave me hand in the direction of the voice. As I walk out the door. "J." The voice says again.

I give an exaggerated sigh as I turn around. "What?" I say in a low growl.

The man stares at me. I think it was the friend of the man I had been taking to earlier, but I can't be sure. "Clyde has the information you wanted."

"Oh?" I take a step closer. "And why isn't Clyde here to tell me?" I growl

"He's ummm... He says he'll meet you later." The man looks around nervously.

"Ya scared?" I ask, enjoying myself now.

"No sir." He says backing away.

I laugh. "Aw, a man twice my size is scared." I tease.
He growls taking a step forward and I shoot him. In reality I just wanted an excuse to kill the man, hell, I wanted an excuse to kill just about everyone. I really don't give a fuck right now about anything. I laugh as I start shooting Windows and passing cars. I even shot a raccoon.

Travis runs up behind me, "J!"

I turn and point my gun at his head and he raises his hands. "You really want to fuck with me right now?"

"Listen J, I know you're hurting but-" I cut him off by shooting up in the air. "J!" He grabbed my arms and took my gun from me throwing it aside. "Calm down man! We'll find her!"

"WHAT IF SHES DEAD!?" I scream in his face. He takes a step back and gives me a sympathetic look. I shake off his arms falling to the ground. This was the same place I knelt the night that Batman took my Harley. I laugh throwing my head back. I can't stop myself from laughing so hard. "Ooooooh you're gonna pay Bats.... You're gonna pay...." My head goes against Travis's knees as my insane laughter turns into sobs. My head hurts and I feel defeated.

I must have literally fallen asleep on the ground out front of my club, because that's the last thing I remember and I'm suddenly laying in my bed. I don't sleep much lately and when I do it's not in here. I can decide if it's because I usually pass out drunk and don't make it here or if it's because I don't want to be here without Harley. My phone rings and I clear my throat before answering. "Yes?"

"It's Clyde." The voice says

"What can I do for you" I ask.

"Well first you can not kill my men, and second you can listen to me for once." He demands.

I pang of anger grows in my chest. "Listen to you? I'm your fucking boss." I snap.

"You'll listen to me because I have information that you need." He tells me.

"Fine. Talk." I tell him.

(A/N hey guys, I started with the first chapter being in jokers POV because the last one in Rough Night ended with Harley's and I thought it would give an idea of what he's thinking and feeling. I got way more reads on that one than I had ever hoped for and it makes me really happy. Thanks for all of your support!)

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