Chapter 8- The Meeting

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*Deadshot's POV*

I wake up to the sounds of running footsteps and shouting outside of my cell. I sigh and sit up. I'm not sure what time it is but I assume why too damn early to be making this type of noise. I walk to my door and bang on it with my fist. A guard opens the small window. "What in gods name is going on out there. I'm trying to get some beauty sleep." I say to him.

"It's none of your business." He responds smugly.

I roll my eyes. "Look, since I was so rudely awaken, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Fine." He opens my door and let's me out. Th fort thing I do is look to see how many guards there are in this hall. Three. Easy. I hit the guard at my door knocking them unconscious and take their gun. I shoot one guard and he drops, then watch as the other guard takes out his gun and throws it to the side putting his hands up. I give him a puzzled look.

"Deadshot don't shoot. It's Travis." The guard say.

"I don't know a Travis." I say back in up against the wall to cover myself. Another guard runs into the hall and 'Travis' picks up his gun and shoots him. "Well Travis." I say. "You gonna show me who you are?" I watch as his takes off his helmet.

"I'm a friend." He says.

I study his face and realize he's one of Jokers men. I smile. "Welcome." Then hand him the gun I took from the guard.

"Keep it and hide it." He says. "You'll need it."

Without hesitation I shove it in my pants hoping the camera doesn't catch it then go back into my cell. I pull out a slab in the floor and hide it there where I have pictures of my daughter.

*Harley's POV*

Today is different. I wake up to Doctor Anderson watching me sleep. "Doctor?" I mutter looking at her.

"Good afternoon Harley."she smiles kindly.

"Afternoon..." I say. "You never let me sleep past like nine AM."

"Well we had a problem with another prisoner so we let everyone sleep in while we dealt with that." She explained. "So we're going to have our session now." She continued.

There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about this session. We talked about how much I missed J we walked about how I was in pain from the guards beating me senseless two days prior. It was only the fact that at the end of this session she forced a smile and walked out without a word.

A puzzled look rested on my face as a guard walked in to take me to the yard. I watched the guard carefully. When he didn't talk, I did "are ya new?"

"You could say that." He said.

Instantly a smile spread across my face. "Travis?"

"The one and only." He gave a sharp nod to other guards passing and tightened his grip on my arm.

"How did you-" he silenced me by taping the wall with his gun, so I shut up.

"Next week. Same time. Same situation. Same day." He said quickly and quietly.

All I couldn't do was nod. I was going to ask him what he mean by same situation but we had reached the yard and he hung back with other guards.

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