Chapter 13-Disapearing Bat

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*Jokers POV*

I look at Harley as she pulls me closer to her, and it makes me want her even more. I growl and pull back, showing her that I'm the one who's in charge. "J No!" She shouts, but it's too late.

I hear glass smash behind me as I bump into the desk and watch at the acid spills on the table, creating a gas. My eyes widen and I grab a gas mask quickly and cover Harley's mouth, but she's already breathed it in. She's looking over my shoulder wide-eyed so I pick her up to carry her out of the room. I slam the door behind me and set her down pushing her away from the room. I'll deal with cleaning it later. "Harley baby, can you hear me?"

"Get him away from me!" She screams pointing at the door.

"Who?" I ask her, concerned now.

"Can't you see him!?" He stares passed me in fear, tears streaming down her face.

Well, I guess that I didn't need a test subject after all. I push her hard. That only way is to make her fear reality. "Focus on me baby."

"Help me J! Please!" Her hands to go her throat and she falls back against the wall without me even touching her.

I grab her arm and yank her up. "Stay standing." I order. "It's not real Harley snap out of it!"

Her expression twists into something more complex than fear and she turns on her heal and starts running down the hall. I sigh. She won't get too far, because Travis will stop her.

*Harley's POV*

The Joker is oblivious to what I am seeing. Of course he is. My mind knows it's the fear gas, not the Riddler. My body thinks otherwise. I run into a tall muscular man and look up. Travis.

"Where are you going Harley?" He asks casually. I see him glance past me and nod. "Come on." He lifts me easily and walks me over to the couch.

"Why can't you see him!?" I scream.

"Harley!" The Joker comes into my view looking pissed as hell and my eyes widen, snapping out of any previous state of shock as his hand comes down on me.

I flinch moving away from him and look up at him realizing his hand ha stopped coming down. "I- you..."

"We have a Job to do." He says gruffly. "You'll be okay."

I stared up at him in shock. Not because he was going to hit me, but because he didn't. I stared at him a moment then shook it off just taking it as an affect of the fear gas. "Mistah J?" I follow him.

"Mmm?" He turns with a blank look on his face. Whatever it was it had passed.

"Never mind." I say shyly and we continue on.


We wait outside of the Riddlers hideout for him to leave. It feels like hours before we finally see his shadow pass us. We hurry to the back door and sneak in. It almost seemed too easy with very little security per-usual. "I got this doll, just watch my back" J whispered.

I'm about to protest but he's already gone. I stare after him and watch as he attaches the fear gas bomb to the hinge of the front door then hurried back to me. "What now?" I ask him.

"Well now we leave and wait for him to die of fear doll." He tells me as we leave out the same way we came.

"Wasn't that too easy J?" I ask him cautiously.

He shrugs. "If he wants to play, we can play."

I smirk, "yeah we can."

There was a loud bang from behind us and J and I started running but we hit the ground. "You planted a bomb on my door? Pathetic even for you." The Riddler spoke from behind us.

I clamped my hand over my nose and mouth just in case even though we were far enough away from the smoke. J laughed and grabbed my arm. "Have fun Nigma." He laughed as we ran back to the car.

* The Riddlers POV*

I open my door roughly and hear an explosion before I see smoke. "You planted a bomb on my door? Pathetic even for you." I sneer at two figures exiting out the back.

I hear a sickening laugh. The Joker. "Have fun Nigma." His laugh trails leaving me standing in the dark as the smoke fills my lungs.

I sigh and turn catching swift movement. I do a double take grabbing a gun leaning against the wall and look around. I see movement again and I shoot piercing nothing but a wall. "You're losing it." I say to myself.

"That you are." I turn to see none other than Batman.

I fire the gun straight for him, but he's quick, almost ghost-like. He comes at me and I drop my gum backing towards the wall. "What did I do?" I ask cowering back.

"Jigs up." He sneers down at me.

"But I didn't do anything!" I shout.
I look around and notice the smoke depleting. I pick up the gun and swing it at him. He disappears appearing three feet back. "You're not here." I say to him. "You're not real!"

"How do you know? I could be anywhere." He barks. "Anywhere at all!"

I curl into a ball, rocking back and fourth in pure fear from the ghost taking on Batman's shape. I close my eyes and pass out.

(A/N hey guys, I'm really sick right now so this is probably pout written. But bare with me.)

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