Chapter 11- Chem Theif

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*Harley's POV*

"I'm pathetic." I mutter under my breath as I clean up the shards of glass from the cup I just broke. My hands shake in the process. Everything scares me the last few weeks. Everything except for actual people that is. I hear a door shut behind me and I pick up a large shard and whip around pressing it to the neck of the intruder.

"Well that's kinky." J's voice greets me gently pushing my arm away from his neck. "What happened?" He gestured to the pile on the floor.

"I dropped it." I mumble. He raises an eyebrow. "A bird," I point at the open window. "It scared me."

He begins to laugh as he pulls me into a hug. "Did the scary bird get you?"

I shove him. "Shut up!" I say hiding my blush.

"I'm just teasing doll." He pulls back. "we have a job to do today." He tests. I just look at him. "I know it's been hard for you to adjust, but if we pull this off it will be worth it."

"what is it?" I ask cautiously.

"I need a chemical from Arkham." He said flatly. When I didn't respond he sighed, "You don't have to help me doll. I just would prefer you did."

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. "Of course I'll help you Puddin' thats what I'm here for." I flash him a smile. Ever since He killed Lucas in front of me he hasn't asked me to do anything for him or even mentioned work to me. He would leave, do his personal business, make deals or whatever he needed then come home and be who he thought I needed him to be. I honestly just needed him to be honest with me. I needed him to tell me that he was okay and nothing was going to happen to him.

"Get ready and meet me in the car." He told me before walking outside.

I glanced down at what I was wearing, a silver dress with hints of blue. This is good enough. I grabbed a pair of blue heals and followed him out and hopped in the passengers seat and put my shoes on. "What do you need me to do?"

"I'll create a distraction. Theres a case in the secondary lab, in that case there should be a few different chemicals. I need you to grab the one with a glowing orange tinge, as many as there is." He finishes speaking as he pulls out of the driveway and begins speeding to Arkham asylum.

"What's it for?" I ask him.

"All you need to know, sweetheart is that I'm using it to make a very powerful drug."

I giggle and rest my hand on his thigh. He smiles at me as the car skids to a halt and we both get out. "Be back in a few Puddin'." I smile and he hands me a gun and a bag.

"Stand back." He says. I'm about to respond when he throws a grenade to the second story and it smashes through a window followed by a loud explosion. Alarms sound and he laughs, "it's in the basement. You should be fine. Go!"

I nod and run to a bares window at the side leading to the basement of the asylum. I look in the bag hole handed me and pull out a miniature bomb. I attach it to the base of the window and activate it and step back. It goes off leaving smoke and the window smashed open, the bars bent just enough for me to squeeze through.

I enter the asylum through the window and lower myself down hanging onto what's left of the bars. I can hear the alarm going off above me as I begin to look for the right lab. There is surprisingly no security down here and I find the door and slip in with ease.

"Hey!" A man inside the lab yells once I'm inside.

"Shut up." I fire the pistol at his skull and he falls when the bullet pierces him.

I begin to search for the case The Joker is taking about, but naturally, there are dozens of cases that fit the description. I sigh and take a lock pick from the bag and begin opening the cases one by one. On my fifth case I hear voices nearing me.

"There's someone down here." The first voice says.

"Yeah, Frank." Says another one.

"No really." The first voice says." I heard someone doe. Here after the explosion. It sounded like a bang like something big fell then nothing else."

"We'll check it out, but I'm telling you it's nothing." The second voice responds.

Shit. I run to hide behind the door because there's no one else I can go. Not realizing there is two doors because I'm an idiot, they enter through the one opposite to me.

"Holy shit it's Harley Quinn." The man belonging to the second voice gasps.

"Told ya." The first guy says."

I roll my eyes and shoot the first guy. "Help me or I'll kill you too." I glare at him. "And don't call for help because I have backup waiting." I added quickly. Really I only had J but it scared him enough to to listen and he just nodded. "Good. I need a chemical. It glows orange. I can't seem to find it. Don't speak just point to what case it's in." He points to a shelf with four cases on it. "Now say a number. Right to left." I instruct.

"Two." He says I'm a shaky voice.

I walk over and grab the case, picking the lock as he watches me intently. Once I get it open I see three vials. "is this all you have?" I ask him.

"Yes miss." He says looking down.

I take a step forward. "Aw thanks I'll put in a good word for Mistah J." I coo.
His expression is priceless and I almost laugh. "Gosh, I'm kidding ya weirdo." I say before casually throwing a knife in his direction. It sticks in his throat and blood pours out of him as his body collapses.

I put the vials in my bag and leave the way I came. I hop in the passenger seat and J starts driving right away.

"Almost had to leave without you. Would have if you took any longer." He growled.

His words hurt but I knew in this moment that I was his business partner, not his Queen. I just nod and stare straight ahead.

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