Chapter 15- Morning After

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*Harley's POV*

I groan holding my head between my knees. "What a night..." I had a lot of fun, despite my previous complaints and having Batman doge literal bullet or two.

I feel someone in the room and I turn with my arms ready to fight, but it's only Travis. "Thought you may need these." He smiles handing me two Advil and a bottle of water.

I smile and take them. "Thanks." I give him a quick hug. "Wheres Mistah J?"

"He's here. Woke up about an hour ago, I think he's working in his office." He says before leaving me alone.

I'm still in my dress from the night before so I change into some comfortable cotton shorts and a plain white tank top that shows the pink of my bra. I shrugs while looking in a mirror before retreating downstairs to J's office to look for him. I gently knock on the door of his office and patiently wait for a response.

"I told you not to disturb me again!" He shouts and I hear something smash against the closed door.

I flinch at the sound of the impact and take a quick breath before responding softly. "Puddin'?" I can hear my voice shake as I say it but I try to sound confident.

I hear a sigh from within the room, "yes, come in doll."

I let my breath go and slowly open the door. I see him sitting at his desk shirtless in his Arkham sweats. I really don't understand why he still wears them, but I never have the balls to ask. "Is everything okay?" I ask forcing a smile as my head still pounds.

"The Riddler was Arrested early yesterday morning. He turned himself in. After being exposed to the fear gas I cooked up, I guess he was more afraid of whatever he saw than being locked up." He grumbles.

"Isn't that good?" I ask him.

"I wanted to be the one to bring him down!" He slams his fits against his chair as he stand up, causing it to collapse.

I sigh trying to make things lighter. "I'm tired of having to fix that chair so I'll just get you a new one."

"I like this chair," He snaps staking a step towards me making me flinch. I don't even realize I'm backing myself against the wall till he reaches me and strokes my face with his purple gloved hand. "Scared Princess?" I quickly shake my head no. "DON'T LIE TO ME!" He shouts in my face punching the wall beside my head. He moved closer to me and purred into my ear. "Don't be scared... you're better than that."

I forcefully pushed him in the chest causing him to stumble back. "Get off of me!"

"That's it! What did I tell you to do when you're scared? Get angry. Don't let your enemy dominate you." He grabbed my wrists pulling me to him again, "but you can't dominate me doll." His voice sent chills down my spine, "because I own you." He kissed down my neck leaving small bites as he went down my shoulder and across my exposed collar bone. He pushed me back against the wall pinning my arms above my head by my wrists with one hand. "Submit." He growled as I struggled to break from his hold.

"Like Hell." I growled back, which actually ended in a moan. This made me even more angry. He thinks he can just be aggressive then be sexy as fuck a minute later and think I'll just submit? Well apparently, the answer to that is actually yes, because I let him tease me until we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"What the fuck do you want?" He says pulling back from me once again, dropping my arms.

The door opens and I see Deadshot standing there. "I don't want to know what I just walked into, but I'm sorry." Raising his hands.

"I'm so not in the mood right now Floyd." He sneered.

"Aw did I ruin your moment?" He mocks.

I smirk at him and mouth 'thanks' and he winks at me.

"Anyways, I'm here because I wanted to know if you were going to get the decaying Doctor out of your basement, or if you were just gonna leave her there of a reminder of what happens when you starve to death." Deadshot asks casually.

"Shit." J says under his breath, "I forgot about her." He mumbles as an afterthought.

"J you just left her down there to starve!?" I ask

"Well I was worried about you and then I forgot that she was even their because she's so quiet and I-" I cut him off.

"The basement is soundproof Puddin'." I say flatly.

"Right..." He says. "Well, don't worry about it. I'll deal with her." And leaves the room.

"Thanks." I say to Deadshot.

"Don't mention it." He says giving me as look as he turns to leave.

"Floyd wait..." He stops spinning back to me.

"Yes?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I have to tell you something and you have to promise not to tell J." I whisper.

(A/N kinda just a short filler just so I have something to post. Originally I wanted to be a few chapters ahead but now I'm just writing as I go. Also, just one more chapter because I really want to focus on Who is Mr. J? And I'm really dumb when it comes to this site and can't get my link to post, so if you would please go to my profile and read it that would be lovely. Or don't, it just has zero reads it's pathetic. You guys will either hate me or love me for the last one, guess we'll see.

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