Chapter 6- Family Drama

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*Travis's POV*

I was out for dinner with my boys and Alex at some Greek restaurant. I rolled my eyes at Jake and Alex awkwardly sitting next to each other. "Alright, no more hiding boys. Hold hands or something." I say to them.

Ryan smiles a little at them and said "told you Jake."

Jake seemed to let out a breath he seemed to be holding. "How did you know."

"I'm your father." I say bluntly. Jake places his arm around Alex and Alex slowly relaxes into him.

I smile at them. My phone vibrates and I glance at it. It's from The Joker. I read it. I have a date and time set. I'll send in Clyde to meet with Deadshot three days in advance. Then you meet with Harley the day before just incase to finalize. I personally acknowledge the message but don't respond.

"Is that The Joker?" I notice Ryan reading over my shoulder.

"Yes." I say shortly.

"Ummm... I thought you said Deadshot was in prison." He said confused.

"He is." I whispered glancing around.

"Then what does he have to do with anything?" He asks.

"So is Harley...." I mumble.

"The Jokers girlfriend is in prison?" Jake asks from across the table.

"Shh." I say to him and send him daggers. "I wouldn't necessarily call her-"

I'm cut off by strong hands slapping down on my shoulders shit. "My girlfriend?" I spin around to see the one and only Mr. J standing above me. "Oh, she's my girlfriend Travis."

"Holy shit he exists." Alex breaths. Which I'm pretty sure are the only words he has said all night.

"Yes he does." J slurs. "And he is angry." J slid in the booth so Ryan was between him and I.

I honestly trusted him not to hurt my kids or me in front of my kids but I pulled Ryan to my side and looked around nervously at other diners who were either staring or leaving. "What is it? You said I was dismissed." I say.

"I still expect you to answer your phone Travis." He says.

I stand up. "Not in front of my kids J."

"I'm not going to hurt them. We have a contract."  He laughs. "Honestly Travis I just came to tell you something." His face goes serious.

"And?" I press, motioning for him to continue. The boys are staring now, along with the remaining diners.

"The prison guards seem to trust you. They don't suspect anything. They don't know who you are or that you're associated with me." He pauses. "Try to get in the yard before we break them out. The day of." He gives me a devilish smirk.

I sigh and rest my hands on the top of my head. "You're sending me on an impossible mission, in order to save the love of your life." I say hesitating. "I wish I could have saved mine... So I'll do it..." I finish quietly.

*Joker's POV*

I enter an Italian diner that the tracker in Travis's phone brought me to. I spot him sitting with three younger boys. Hmm I thought he only had two kids...  I approach the table and place my hands in Travis's shoulders, almost massaging.  "My girlfriend?" I say finishing the sentence Travis was just speaking. I give a sly smile, "oh, she's my girlfriend Travis." I assure him.

"Holy shit he exists," one of the boys say below his breath.

"Yes he does." I wink at him. "And he is angry." I joke. I'm actually not angry. I just feel like fucking with Travis.

I sit down next to the kid sitting next to him and he protectively pulls the kid closer to him. "What is it?" He asks obviously annoyed. "You said I was dismissed."

"I still expect you to answer your phone Travis." I say nonchalantly.

"Not in front of my kids J." He said standing up.

I laugh. "I'm not going to hurt them we have a contract." My eyes roll instinctively. "Honestly Travis I just came to tell you something."

"And?" He appears inpatient.

"The prison guards seem to trust you. They don't suspect anything. They don't know who you are or that you're associated with me." I pause, pretending to think. "Try to get in the yard before we break them out. The day of." I smile and wait.

I he sighs and rests his hands on the top of his head. "You're sending me on an impossible mission, in order to save the love of your life." He hesitates. "I wish I could have saved mine... So I'll do it..." He finishes quietly.

I laugh as I walk out of the diner, obviously being stared at by his kids and other people that hadn't left the second I entered. That was probably the least destructive people had ever seen me in a public setting. I wasn't in the mood to do anything too major lately. I was focusing on getting Harley out of prison as quickly as possible with as little complication as possible. I continue to walk aimlessly down the street and am interrupted by a dark capes figure landing in front of me. I roll my eyes. "I'm literally not doing anything Bats. Leave me be." I wave my hand at him and keep walking.

He grabs my shoulder as I try to pass him. "I need information."

"So go bother something who cares." I say.

"I'll give you information in exchange." He says.

"What kind of information?" I ask

"You're being watched."

"By who?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Answer me first. Who is Clyde to you?" He asks.

"He's an associate. Merely a Pawn... Why..." I said

"So he's working with you?" He looked confused now.

"Yes. Helping me with a project." I say.

"Then why is he telling me what you're up to?" He says.

My eyes widen. "What do you know?"

"All he's said is that you're getting together a crew to help you with some major break in at some bank." The bat says. "Nothing new."

I nod thoughtfully. So he's lying to the Bat. "I'll deal with him. Is hat the information?"

He nods. "You help me I help you."

Then he was off.

(A/N as promised here's another chapter. I'm actually working on a different fan fiction and will post the first chapter soon. I'd love for you guys to check it out. I'll link it once I post it in another chapter.)

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