Chapter 7- Phone Call

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*Harley's POV*

I don't think the guards understood how much shit they were going to be in for this. I stared at the bruises on my body and laughed.

"Miss Quinn?" Doctor Anderson approached my cage.

"Yes Doctor?" I stood and approached her at the bars.

"You have a phone call." She stated as she unlocked the cage.

This was new. "A phone call?" I asked. I hadn't gotten a phone call in the year or so that I had been in here. Sure I've gotten a few visits here and there from Travis, and sometimes he'd bring a message or a picture but I always assumed I wasn't allowed on the phone.

She lead me down the hall and I followed. There was no guards around but I'm sure they were watching. She seemed to trust me not to hurt her so I decided it was wise to keep her trust for now. We were both silent until we got to where the phone must have been and then she said. "Take your time sweetie." I was left alone.

I cautiously approached the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" I said into the speaker.

"Hello doll." His voice sent chills down my spine.

"Puddin'?" I asked tears coming to my eyes. Obviously it was him.

"I wired the system so they can't record this call, but that doesn't mean they aren't listening from outside the door. Talk quietly and without suspicion." He growled.

I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me. "Of course." I say. "Anything."

"I'm going to get you out doll. I promise you..." He hesitated. "I need more time." He breathed. "But I love you... And in working on it. I promise."

I had never heard those words come out of his mouth. "I-I love you too but-"

"Shh darling..." He chuckled.

I think he noticed my voice break, but it was too late. I was already crying. "I-I'm scared J..."

"Shh... I'll have you put soon it's okay..." He tried to soothe me.

"T-they're hurting me.. J-Jay..." I whispered into the phone."

I could almost feel him stiffen in the other end. "I know they are doll, they'll get what's coming for them."

"Don't hurt the doctor." I say to him. "She's nice to me. She knows they hurt me and I know she doesn't like it." I tell him and I rub the yellowing bruises on my arms.

"She deserves pain for not helping you." He growls. "I'll fucking kill them all." I hear the venom in his voice. "Travis showed me the pictures. I have to make them all pay for hurting my Queen." I could almost see him throwing his head back as he laughed and I smiled through my tears.

"Do you have anything yet?" I asked him suddenly.

"Within the next few months doll." He said sounding normal again.

"I- I can't wait that long." I say anxiety rising in my chest. "I can't. I'm going to break J."

"Just hold on a little longer for me darling. Just a little bit..." He whispered and the line when dead.

I whipped the tears from my eyes and slowly stood up. I turned to the door and saw a guard standing facing me. He smiled when he saw me look at him and stepped aside. "You'll get used to it here." He told me. "They all do."

I nodded. "Thanks." Then proceeded to let me escort me back to the dreaded cage.

I laid on the cold metal floor and stared up at my makeshift ropes. For the first few months they would take them down and give me a new uniform. They had given up on that now though, considering I just shredded it every time to make more. Now I had a uniform that was in once piece and ropes to hang on when I pleased. I think they decided it was better I get what I want anyways so I would be easier to deal with, and boy were they right. I got pretty much everything a prisoner could want besides freedom and a normal cell.


I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of my cage being opened. I jumped up like a frightened animal ready to defend myself if needed. My muscles relaxed when I saw it was Lucas.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "I brought you a pillow and some blankets." He said holding up a mass of material.

"Thanks." I say quietly. Lucas was by far the nicest of the guard. He usually didn't hurt me but could get aggressive if I didn't listen. I give him a small smile. It was a kind gesture given that I usually slept suspended above the floor on my ropes.

"I saw you were on the floor for once and figured I'd make you more comfortable." He explained gesturing to where I was just laying.

I nod and he drops the pillow and blankets and walks back out of my cell locking it behind him. He was quite cute and the only guard I hadn't tried to seriously injure or kill that I've came in contact with. I decide to accept his gift by laying out the blankets and laying in them with my head on the pillow. I wrap myself in a cocoon and once again drift off into a peaceful but more comfortable sleep.

(A/N Decided that maybe she should have some form of contact with The Joker even if he can't really visit her. Maybe it doesn't really make sense but I didn't have much else for this chapter and I'm half asleep. Also, I literally just posted the first chapter of my new fic and would love for you to check it out. It's called 'Who Is Mr. J?' )

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