Chapter 4- Crazy

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*Harley's POV*

They had been harsher on me, but I was also getting more freedom. Earlier today I was strapped to a chair and fed through a tube then beaten until I could barley breath. After that, I was tossed into the yard where no one had been bothering me for the last hour or so. I was sitting against a wall watching people. There was a game of football going on, and many of the smaller prisoners were just on the sidelines cheering whenever someone got tackled. My bruised body was starting to feel better so I stand up. I made sure I wore my full uniform while around other inmates to hide the damage the guards had done to me.

I looked up to see a man that had just been playing the game heading towards me. When he reaches me he braced his hands against the wall above me so he was trapping me. "Wanna play beautiful?" He smiled.

"I don't like sports." I tell him glancing nervously around as the other prisoners watched.

Just then he was pulled away from me and I see Floyd behind him. "You causing problems with my friend here?" He asks the man.

"No." He guy says looking shocked.

Floyd throws him. "Good."

I smile and hug him, "thanks."

"Anytime." He says.

"Hey,  deadman is sleeping with the crazy girl!" The man that had me cornered yelled laughing.

Floyd turned on him, "so what if I was?"

"That's just freaky man." The guy said slapping him on the shoulder. "But hey, to each their own."

Floyd grabs him by the shirt tho wing him against the wall. "You know who's girl that is?" He nodded towards me. "That's Mr. J's girl right there." He got closer to that man. "Do you know who Mr. J is?"

The man looked confused. I watched as guards stood weary waiting for a fight to break out. "N-no..."

"That crazy right there, that's Harley Quinn." I watched his eyes go wide.

"J-Joker.." The man stuttered.

"Aw, so ya have heard of me." I smile at him. "I feel all warm and fuzzy inside!"

The man visibly gulped "look guys, I don't want no beef..."

Floyd laughed and let him go. "We'll put in a word for J and let him know you never touched her, just intimidated her."

He places his hand in my shoulder and we walked away. I watched the guards relax. They didn't want to have to break up a fight. "Any thing else?" I ask him.

"Trying to workout the details." He says. "We think we can arrange you to have a conversation with Travis as long as you keep up the good behavior."

"Floyd I'm sorry but if they come at me again I'll fucking kill them all." I say pissed.

"Look Harley, just a little longer and they'll get what's coming for them. I promise. All we need is to  arrange a date and time. The date and time will depend o where we are and what we're doing." He tells me.

"What are you doing on every day at six PM?" I ask.

"I'm going back to my cell from here." He says.

"I go back to my cell from here at five. Get time to relax then Doctor Anderson comes alone at six." I tell him.

"No guards outside?" He asks.

"Not anymore. I'm tame." I say.

"Perfect." He smiles. "We just need to organize the day. It could be awhile."

"Could be awhile for what?" A guard says approaching us.

"Could be awhile till I get out of that stupid cage." I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh, you're not ever getting out of there sweetheart." He smiles at me, "you misbehaved and now you're being punished... For life."

This pissed me off, and I mean if I'm stuck there in the meantime anyways. I react quickly, elbowing the guard in the nose then kicking him in the crotch to make him fall to the ground. A guard whistles getting the attention of the prisoners and try to round then up away from me. Floyd stays by my side and hits a guard that tries to grab his arm. I'll pulled to the ground by two guards and Floyd kicks one of them that's trying to tranquilize me and I break free and run to the other side of the yard.

"You're fucked now." Is all I hear before getting hit on the head and falling unconscious.


I wake up and I'm back in my cell. My body aches and my head is killing me. I groan and sit up putting my head between my knees. "GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" I scream getting up and pulling on the bars. "PLEASE I DON'T BELONG HERE!"  I start to cry, my cries turning into the sick laughter that I developed from J.

"Alright crazy, shut up." A guard says walking into the room. "You have a visitor."

(A/N okay guys, I'm sorry that these chapters are shorter than in Rough Night, I just don't really have a lot to put in them since this story is so centered in plot. I either make more chapters that are shorter or make really long chapters with more information but have less of them.)

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