Chapter 2- Caged Animal

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*Harley POV*

I'm laying on the floor of my cell staring up at the ceiling when I al Ridley interrupted by about eight guards entering. Two of them grab me by the arms Lito f me up off of the floor and the other is surround me pointing guns. I glare at the man in front of my and jump to kick him using the men holding me as support. He falls over and I twist out of the grip on held in. I grab a gun belonging to one of the men holding me and back myself against the wall of my cell. "Stay back!" I warn them pointing the gun.

"Drop the weapon!" One of them yells taking a step forward.

I shoot him on the spot. "I said don't fucking move!"

"We're going to need backup...." A man says into the radio.

I shoot the remaining 7 men and they all fall to the ground. I leave my cell and begin sprinting down the hall laughing, gun in hand, half naked due to the fact that I had discarded my prison uniform. I run past cells and other prisoners whistle and yell after me. Once I make it to the end of the hall, I'm stopped by a group of guards. They tackle my to the ground. I scream whilst still laughing. The surround me pointing guns at me and I laugh harder pulling on my hair from my spot on the floor.

"Come on guys, she got lucky, she can't do anything to us she's basically harmless." One of the guys say picking me up.

I hand him the gun and smile at him. I'm not going to hurt someone for being kind. There's no way I would get out of here without any friend anyways. I let him support my weight. "Harley Quinn." I smile at him.

"Lucas." He says.

"Alright alright, you can play hero Luke." One of the staff sneers. "But she's fucking going in the cage. This crazy bitch Isn't killing anyone else. Ever."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Fine. Just give me backup on escorting her to the cage."

The other guy just stared at him. "This bitch is Jokers girlfriend bro. We want to keep her tame."

Another guy piped up. "No, we want to keep her safe and comfortable. That man is dangerous. If he hurt a hair on her head we all die."

"Aw, he's smart!" I say giggling.


I like the cage better than my cell. It's larger. There's no bed but I prefer the floor anyways. Around the cage is a tall electrical fence with barbed wire at the top. They probably think I can't get over it if I got out of this cage, but I know I can. I had gotten my prison uniform back and I just rip it up to make cloth rope I can hang on so I can entertain myself. I now hang upside down on the cloth. The only rule I have is to stay off the bars, and I'm technically not physically touching the bars.

A women walks into the room. This is knew. I think as I jump down to great her. "Harley Quinn, how do you do?" I smile at her.

"Doctor Anderson." She smiles back and enters the fence a round the cage and begins unlocking my cage.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." I say in shock. "Do you know who you're dealing with lady?"

"Actually, I do." She enters the cage and locks is behind her.

"Why are you here...?" I ask skeptical and sit on the floor across from her.

She follows me actions sitting and smiles. "I'm here to talk."

My face goes hard. "Look, I don't need a fucking scientist priding around in my head, okay? So you can just forget it."

"No Harley, you don't understand." Her smile is still warm. "I'm here to make sure you're in a decent mental state. To make sure you have someone to talk to so you don't die of boredom in here."

"What's the catch?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No catch." She insists.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Because you don't trust me." She responds.

I stand and walk towards her. "I don't trust anyone except for Mistah J.... And maybe Travis."

"And who is Travis?" She asks me.

"He's J's best security guard and right hand man." I say.

"And why do you trust him?" She asked me.

"Because he looks out for me. When Mistah J isn't around Travis is always there." I smile and walk around the cell.

"Do you know why they put you in here Harley?" I just stared at her. "They're scared of you. More then any of the men here. You know why?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Because of the Joker finds out in here, you're all screwed." I erupted with laughter.

I watched as guards came into the cell and escort Doctor Anderson out.

"You hear that!?" I scream at them, "you're all fucking screwed!" I keep laughing and run to the cage jumping on the bars. "You better get your guns ready boys!"

A guard approaches me at the bars. "You know the rules hotness. Stay off the bars." He whispers to me.

I laugh. "The rules? Oh no, I make the rules... Sir...." I purr in his ear then bite the air making a growling sound.

He flinched and stood up straight. "That's a whole lot of crazy and a whole lot of beautiful..." He mumbled as him and the rest of the guard exited as I laughed.

I sit in the cage for over a week, getting three awfulness tasting meals a day and a shower every two days. I like fighting with them as they try to get me into the steaming water. It's entertaining. Doctor Anderson visits me often, sometimes twice a day. I'm beginning to actually like her. And this was one of those visits, but this time it was different.

Lucas walked into the room, tailing her. "What do we have today?" I call to them from my spot above the floor.

"You my friend," Lucas smiles up at me. "Are going to make some friends today."

"My only friend is my Puddin.'" I say to him.

"Which is why you need some friends." He says.

"I'm perfectly fine here." I say crossing my arms as I twist upside down.

He whistles and more guards enter into the room going into the cage and bringing me down from my crafted ropes. I don't bother struggling. I just smile smugly at Lucas as him and Doctor Anderson follow the guards closely behind.

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