Chapter 14- Birthday Bash

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*Harley's POV*

"Have you ever been in love?" I ponder staring off into space. J had a meeting and I was going to be stuck alone, so I decided to call over Deadshot. We had been sitting outside just talking, but the last few moments of silence were killing me.

He chuckled. "You don't kill as many people as I have and still sleep like a kitten." He flashed me a smile, the sun reflecting off of his perfect white teen.

"Bullshit." I mutter crossing my arms. I close my eyes, "what about your ex wife?"

"No." He says flatly.

I open one eye, "your daughter?"

"For fuck sakes woman, I'm not in love with my daughter." He says sounding amused.

I sigh. "Good point I guess."

"Miss Quinn?" I open my other eye and turn my head to see Travis standing behind me.

"Yes?" I stand and Deadshot follows my actions.

"Mr. J wishes your company." He sates.

"That's wonderful," I roll my eyes so he can see. "Except he's not home."

"Oh, but he is." Travis sticks out his hand. "Right this way."

I look back at Deadshot confused and he just shrugs and follows. "You do have a back door." He comments

"That he never uses." I say crossing my arms.

Travis leads us to the dining hall and Deadshot and I sit. "Company darling?" I hear a voice echo through the room. Deadshot goes stiff as he turns to see J right behind him. "Boo." J whispers in his ear and he jumps laughing.

"Puddin'!" I stand and run to him and pulling him into a hug.

"Kidding Floyd, you're welcome to stay." J waves his arm at him wrapping his other around my waist. Then whispers in my ear, "I was at my meeting and then I remembered what day it was so I immediately rushed home to you my dear."

I pulled back cocking my head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"It's your birthday silly."  He kissed my head and I just stared at him.

"No it's not." I say coldly.

"No need to be like that. It's your birthday whether you want it to be or not and we're going to celebrate." He said ending the conversation.

"Well, well, well, the Queen of Gotham doesn't jut birthdays." Deadshot interrupted us with a laugh.

"She also doesn't like surprises, which is why I have one." J shot a sly grin in his direction.

"Well he doesn't like being called Mistah J, so I will continue to do so." I say stubbornly.

"Call me that all you like doll face, but you'll like this one." He said walking a few steps away. "Go get changed into something nice." He winks at me and walks out of the room.

"I assume by something nice he means something slutty because I think you look nice now." Deadshot mumbled under his breath.

"Aw, thanks Floyd." I smile at him and skip to my room to get changed.


We arrive at J's favourite club, and he comes around the car to help me out, linking his arm with mine. I wear a beautiful black dress that comes down to my knees and has a slit half way up to my thigh. There's lace around the bra line that bounced as I walk, and I wear plain white heals with a white purse that I really have no use for.

We walk through the doors and are greeted by the guards. One of them send me a nod and a smile and J moves his hand to my bum giving it a small squeeze, sending him the message that I am his. He leads me into a booth with beads hanging as curtains a do sit as he smiles in next to me placing his arm around my shoulders-which is rare in public. He holds s hard serious expression as Travis hands him his cane, which he takes with his free hand and another man walks in.

"Hey J... And umm, Harley, strange seeing you back here." The man looks uncomfortable.

"It's her birthday." The Joker comments adjusting the collar of his black button-down.

"Well happy birthday beautiful." The man smiles kissing my hand.

I feel J tense up as a low growl erupts from his throat. I pull my hand back quickly and J nods then stands up. "Did she say you could do that?"
He demands pushing the top of his cane against the mans chest. He starts to reply but J just keeps talking, "more importantly... Did I say you could do that?" He eyes go dark and I see Travis step forward. "Get her out of here." J snaps at him.

"But sir, your promise." He mumbles.

"Right..." J steps back and sits next to me again resuming his previous position. "You have what I want right?"

"He's in position. All you have to do is bring your girl and there's not a chance you'll miss." The man said.

I have them a confused look but remained under J's arm, only moving when he slid a gun into my hand to holster it in my holster strapped to my leg, underneath my dress. "What are we shooting?" I asked.

"You'll see doll." J smiled taking me hand as we exited the booth.

We pushed through the crowd of drunk sweaty people in the club, not letting go of each other's hands. Until that is, a guy ran into me causing J to let go.

"Sorry baby, surprised I didn't see you there, because damn you're hot." He placed his hands on my hips and stepping into me.

I hear a gun cock and see the Joker pointing a pistol to the mans head. "Hands off, you know who she is." He growled.

The man just smiled, "common J, you can share can't ya?"

J rolled his eyes. "Blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah." His eyes rolled back into his head as he walked around the obviously very drunk man to stand between us. "All of this chit-chat is gonna get ya hurt." An evil grin was plastered to his face as his lightly slapped both of the mans cheeks. He wasn't even phased. "Apologize."

"I'm sorry you're so hot?" The man slurred.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I took out my loaded gun and fired it at the man before exiting the club.

"Why did you do that I was just getting started?" J chased after me, but I didn't stop.

"I got bored." I told him.

I felt his hand clasp over my shoulder pulling me against his boney body. "You... are lucky you're so damn cute." He growled in my ear before turning my body so I was looking at a building. He jerked my jaw up and I saw Batman standing on the roof top, facing away from us. It looked like he was arguing with someone. "Make it count." He purred placing my gun in my hand and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I took aim and shot. I watched as he quickly turned and moved staring directly at me. The bullet skinned his shoulder and anger welled up in me as he jumped down from the building and ran at me. "Stupid Bat!" I scream shooting blindly in his general direction. "You're going to ruin my birthday!"

J grabbed my arm pulling me in the direction of his car. "Lets go baby!" I was pulled over is lap to the passenger side as he started the car and sped off.

Batman jumped on the roof of the car and I angrily shot out the window making him fall. "YES!" I screamed as I watched him tumble across the pavement from the rearview mirror.

The Joker laughed turning around the corner, "Happy birthday Harley Quinn!" He shouted into the night.

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