Chapter 3- Why don't We Have a Little Fun?

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*Harley's POV*

I'm pushed out into a room full of men. Two guards quickly leave my side and run to a fight that had broken out on the far wall. I laugh and roll my eyes then look at Doctor Anderson. "Why must I be here?" I ask her. "I'm obviously the only one with tits, why would you want me here?" When she doesn't answer I grow angry and inpatient. "Answer me." I turn on her.

"Oh Harley..." She says and guides me to a table and instructs me to sit. I do as she says but only because Lucas pushed me onto the bench.

"Don't be so aggressive." I say and punch him him the face.

He stumbles back and glares before taking a step forward. Doctor Anderson steps between us. "She's right Lucas, that was very aggressive." She tells him

He storms out and I hear cheering from some of the men in the room. I hug my knees to my chest as a man approached me. "Hey doll face." I flinched when I said that. J called me that sometimes. "Whoa, just saying hi. That was real cool what you did there... Names Floyd, but people on the outside call me Deadshot." He winked.

"Umm... Do I know you?" I asked squinting at him.

"No, no you do not." He says keeping a straight face. "And you are?"

"Harley Quinn." I smile extending my hand and he takes it and smiles back, kissing the top of it.

*Deadshots POV*

Cheering erupted in the room and I look up trying to see what the problem is. I'd been here for over a month and hadn't seen anything like this. People stood up clapping facing in the direction of a girl. Harley Quinn. I immediately stand up and make my way over to her. When I reach her I smile and get her attention, hoping she would understand.

"Hey doll face." I say casually. This is what The Joker had called her and he made sure I knew that. I saw her face change then quickly regain composure. Other than that there was no recognition of my worlds to her. "Whoa, just saying hi. That was real cool what you did there." I say earning a death glare from Doc Anderson. God I hated that women. "Names Floyd, but people on the outside call me Deadshot." I say. Again no reaction, damn this girl is thick. Or maybe she's just really good at poker.

"Umm... Do I know you?" She asked looking at me oddly.

"No, no you do not." I say almost too quickly. Fuck, I needed a way for her to know who I was and why I was here.

I had been sent by a contact of J's. He got me in here, and he was going to get both Harley and I out of here. I got caught on purpose so I could. Be here and get Harley in on the plan.

"Let's have some fun." I say.

"What kind of fun?" She asks standing up.

I walk away and she follows, leaving her watch dog standing alone. "You know me." I whisper still smiling as I put my arm around her. "I'm a friend of J's." I glance at her seeing her face twist into a million different emotions. "Don't break your composure."

"Mistah J sent you?" She whispered then giggled pulling away from me.

"Sure did doll." I say loud enough for people to hear so the my don't think anything of it. "We'll catch up later 'ight?"

"If they ever let me out of that silly cage." She pouts.

"You will." I say, and with that I walk away. I didn't need people getting too suspicious. But I would have a talk with the warden and see if she could get out more often. This is the first time I've seen her in the month I've been here and she's been here for twice as long as I have.

*Harley's POV*

I'm escorted back to my cell and left there for the rest of the night. One of the staff came to drop off some food and I just stare at it.

I want to cry. He knows where I am and he sent in Deadshot to make sure I was still here. He actually did care about me. I think there had been a miscommunication though. I knew exactly who he was, we were both trying to tell each other something and neither of us understood.

"Harley." I looked up to see the same man that brought me dinner.

"Yes?" I said.

"Are you okay?" I touch my face and feel the wetness of my tears.

"Super." I respond laying back on the cold floor.

"We can rethink this whole cage thing I'd you're ready to stop assaulting people." I'm told.

"I prefer it here." I tell him.

"You wanna tell me why you're crying?" He asks.

"I just miss my Puddin'." More tears fall down my face and I bring my knees to my chest.

"Insure a visitation can be arranged..."

"No. He'll be sent back to that stupid asylum if he's caught." I say. I wonder how it is that he got branded as too unstable to be in prison and I'm somehow stuck in this prison with all men and hardened criminals. Really, J is more stable than me and more of a criminal that I ever could be. I look up to notice the guard gone. I start laughing, throwing my head back as tears fall to the floor. Oh yes Floyd I think, why don't we have some fun.

*Deadshot's POV*

(A/N sorry about all the POV switches guys)

I approach the booth with confidence and pick of the phone to begin speaking. On the other end is Clyde, Mr. J's contact who got me in here, without difficulty might I add.

"Did you get the package?" He asks immediately. He's referring to Harley.

"Just last night." I respond. "It looked a little beat up though."

Clyde chuckled, "the boss is not going to like that. Who do you think?"

I think for a minute, "The guard Lucas follows around like a lost puppy. Lucas likes her but was being a little rough when I saw him."

Clyde nods and a buzzer goes off telling me my time is up. "I'll pass it along." He says and hangs up before walking away with the guards. I'm cuffed and brought back to my cell where I began punching the bag hanging from the ceiling.

*Joker's POV*

I saw Clyde approach me out of the corner of my eye. Without looking at him I speak. "This better be good." I'm watching nothing. Where Harley would normally be dancing on other women and showing off to me I just see two unfamiliar figures grinding against each other. I sigh and look at him waving my hand in the air. "Speak."

"Floyd has made contact." He says. When I'm silent he speaks again. "He's spoken to Harley."

"I heard what you said." I'm lost in thought.

"He said she looks pretty damaged." He says quietly.

My head snaps up and my eyes grow wide with anger. "Who would be touching her?"

"The guards Mr. J." He doesn't break eye contact which is brave, but smart. "We think she got herself in some sort of trouble early on. She's in a large cage. I already knew this before I went in."

"And you didn't tell me?" I stand up, nostrils flaring. Now I'm mad. They caged her like an animal and kicked her like a dog and Clyde didn't seem to think this was important enough to mention. "Get out." I say abruptly.

"But Mr. J I-"

"Get out." I hiss.

He exits and I sit for a second before following him to the street. "We need a plan J."

He tells me once he notices I'm following him. "We have a plan." I say. "I need your best men. I already have mine. Our first priority is to get a gun to Deadshot. Our second is to hack into their system, our third but most important is to get Harley out without getting caught. Otherwise we're all screwed."

(A/N I didn't really edit this one but it's a tad longer. I don't really have anything to say about this one.)

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