Chapter 5- Visitor

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*Harley's POV*

I'm lead down the dark halls of the prison to a section I've never been in. There's booths with glass seep erasing sides and phones on each end. I'm lead to a booth. "You have fifteen minutes." The guard says as he walks away.

I sit down and pick up the phone. On the other end is Travis. I smile, happy to see a familiar face. "Travis you have no idea how happy I am to see you."

"You too Harley." He smiles then looks around and in a lower tone. "J wanted me to give you this." He slips me a piece of paper.

I flip it over to see its a picture of us. Travis must have taken this when I wasn't looking because I don't remember it. J and I are kissing. That's it. But it's simple enough to bring tears to my eyes. "Thank you."

He winks. "Read between the lines." The louder, "he misses you."

"I miss him too." I give a soft smile.

He touches my fingers under the glass. "Deadshot will warn you the day of. He'll have a meeting with Clyde or a day or so before and be given the details. If something goes wrong and he can't get to you, remain calm and we'll get you out. Give me the top locations you could be in if you are not in your cell." He says quickly in a whisper. "Now answer me but pretend I didn't say anything suspicious."

"I love you too Travis." I say loud enough to for the guards to hear. "I'm kept in a cage. They won't let me have a cell."

"I know." He smiled for our audience. He nodded and almost looked sad. "Three. Top three besides that." He giggled like a school girl.

"Mexico, Jamaica, New Zealand." The. Quietly. "Yard, detention, social room/ dining room."

He face hardened. "Do they hurt you?"

I tried not to drop my act but nodded. I nonchalantly pushed back my sleeves pretending to be warm reveling rope burns, cuts and bruises. "I know orange isn't my colour, but I can get used to it." His eyes widened and it almost looked like he growled. He pulled on his collar and I heard a quiet click and realized he hand a camera in his shirt and he was taking pictures of my arms. Probably face as well, I knew full well it was purple and swollen from being beat. He was going to show J.

"Alright lovebirds." A guard said approaching. "Times up."

I quickly slipped the picture in my pants as I was pulled away from Travis.

*Travis's POV*

I stared at her arms in shock. I had assumed her face was the worse, which was a blue tinge from bruises. I take a picture with my collar cam and just think. J would be pissed if I had noting to show him, even if that only thing was he beaten body, it would have to do.

"Alright lovebirds, times up." I looked up just in time to see a guard pulling her away.

I have a small smile the. Walked out of the building. I walked down the street as I phoned J and he picked up almost immediately. "Talk to me baby."

I had to hold back a laugh. This man amuses me. "She's umm... She seems good." This is technically not a lie. She legitimately seemed like she was doing well under the circumstances.

"Define good..." He presses.

"I'll tell you when you pick me up J. I'm wandering these streets alone. If I get mugged its on you.

I hear him laugh and he hangs up. Great.

His Lamborghini speeds around the corner and comes to a stop. I smile and get in. "She's fine but she's being treated terribly." I say.

"Tell me something I don't known." He says. "Going from my Queen to some prison rat is obviously going to make her look ill treated."

I sigh and just stay quiet the rest of the way back to his house. I mean yes I basically live there but I still have a house of my own. I don't have a wife anymore, she died a few years back and I never remarried. But I had two beautiful male twins. Who were probably wondering how I'm doing, so I should call later.

My thoughts are interrupted by J and I realized we were back at his house sitting on the sofa. "Did you end up getting pictures?" He asks.

I snap back to reality. "Uhh, yeah." I unhook the collar can and he pulled out the chip and puts it into his laptop and begins skimming though.

I watch carefully as I see is eyes widen with pain. Seconds after pain became anger as his eyes turned bright red and his features twisted itch rage. He cried out, his call filling the entire house. It would have been entertaining to watch if I wasn't the only person around for him to take it out on. "WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT TRAVIS!" He screamed. "DO THEY FUCKING THINK ITS FUCKING OKAY TO TORMENT HER AND HURT HER LIKE THIS!?" His anger erupted suddenly causing me to lean away from him.

"Sir may I point out that you hurt her as well at one point in time." I said calmly.

"It's not the same." He responded just as calm. "Besides, I would never hurt her like that again."

I looked at him and realized he was crying. "Mr. J?" I asked as I stood up.

"Dismissed." He mumbled looking at his feet.

"But J I-" I was cut off my his obvious multi personality disorder.


"Yes sir." I say and exit the room. I sigh and decided to go him to my kids whom I heaven't seen much of since Harley's abduction.

I enter the house and look around. I see Jake on the couch with his boyfriend Alex. I smile. I'm not sure if he knows that I know he's gay, but he always tries to play it off like their just friends. I see his at move above Alex so it's not on him anymore and they both turn around

"Hey dad." Jake says and turns his attention back to the television, completely taking his arm away from Alex.

"Hey boys. Where's Ryan?" I ask.

"Work." Jake says.

"Still at Dominos?" I ask recalling the name of the pizza place both of my boys work at.

"Yeah we both are." Jake smiles standing up and walking towards me. "How's The Joker?"

I sigh. "You know it makes me uncomfortable if you boys know about my work." I say. "It's all over the news Dad." He rolls his eyes.

I just smile at him. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes. Obviously." He looks like a little kid in this moment.

"Later." I say walking down the hall.

"Aw, dad! Come on!" I just laugh. Oh god I even sound like him.

Just then my other son, Ryan walks in. "Dad!" He jumps up and hugs me. For being sixteen they sure act a lot younger.

I laugh as I'm tacked to the ground. "Okay okay!"

"Dad was going to tell us about The Joker." Jake says.

"Sweet!" Ryan smiles up at me.

"I'm gonna go Jake." I hear Alex say. He's standing by the door with a shy smile.

"Why don't you join us for dinner Alex?" I say, "we'll go out. My treat."

(A/N Hey guys, I decided to give you a peek into Travis's life because he's a major part in the story. Travis's POV with his kids will transfer into the next chapter showing a bit more of them as Well as some drama I guess. Also, I may post another chapter when I'm done work today [around 11pm EST.])

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