Chapter 12- Experiment Gone Wrong

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*Harley's POV*

I watch The Joker intently as he works on creating a formula that he has yet to tell me what it's for. The dim light of the lamp reflects off of his pale skin of his shirtless toned body. "Fuck!" He screams and I hear a sizzling sound. I don't make a move to see what's wrong, because I already know that he just spilled something on his exposed flesh.

"Idiot." I mutter under my breath.

I don't think he hears me though because he just picks up a powder-like substance and sprinkles it on his forearm and the smoke coming from his arm slowly dies down and he sighs and the powder becomes an icy coat covering his arm. "All I need is for one fucking equation to work, but nothing is fucking right!" He slams his fist on the table and I flinch. "I'm missing something..." He muses. "Like inspiration or something lame like that...."

He calmly stands up and makes it way towards me. He lays down putting his head in my lap. "You just need a break Mistah J." I assure him.

He purrs like a cat as I stroke his hair, "You're so good to me." I felt his hand slide up my shirt, his fingers glide along my bare skin and I shiver closing my eyes.

I hear the door creak open behind up and he jumps off of me grabbing a machine gun from beside his desk aiming it at the intruder. "What the Hell do you want?" He growls at the person.

I Turn standing up myself to see Travis looking uncomfortable at the entrance. "We have word of the Riddler's plans against you sir."

My eyes go wide in panic recalling my last encounter with him. "How long do we have?" J says simply setting down the gun and strolling back over to me.

"Maybe a couple of days... Is it ready sir?" Travis asks motioning to his desk full of boiling coloured liquids.

"Almost." He said lifting my chin so I would look at him then whispers to me, "it's okay doll, daddy has planned for this."

In my past life, his words probably would have made me laugh. Now, however, when he referred to himself as daddy, my body seemed to relax. I nod. "So this chemical you're making, this has been a plan for The Riddler all along?"

"Correct." He says calmly then points at Travis. "I have work to do amigo, shoo!" Travis exits and J Throws his head back laughing. "Alright doll, we gotta hurry before The Riddler get's to us first."

He stands walking over to his desk and I follow leaning over him planting small kisses on his neck. "You're tense." I tell him rubbing his shoulders and I feel him slowly relax as he works.

about an hour passes of my standing over him massaging his shoulder and kissing his neck- leaving plenty of hickey's in the process- and he shoots up out of his chair. "I'VE GOT IT!" He shouts. I raise my eyebrows and step back not the slightest bit phased by his outburst. "But I need to test it on someone." he says the last part quickly.

"You're not testing it on me." I say.

"Wasn't planning on it." He gives me a crooked smile. "I don't want to have your body shutting down from fear."

I raise my eyebrows higher, "Fear gas."

"Indeed. Scarecrow stole the recipe from me years ago and I just now gathered all of the chemicals I needed." He laughed, "but nonetheless, my fear gas is new and improved and will work much better than that b-grade shit." He sneers. "until I find a willing- or unwilling- subject, I'll just assume it works well enough."

I roll my eyes. "Are you done now Mistah J?" I ask seductively grabbing his wrists and pulling him against my small body.

He growls in my ear and I can tell that he is immediately turned on by my sudden dominance towards him. "Don't tease me." His voice is raspy but stern.

"Whatever do you mean?" I whispered gently tugging him to the couch. I usually don't try and test my limits because even when he obviously thinks its a turn on when I act more aggressive, he gets angry if he's not the dominate one.

Me lets out a soft moan of acceptance before realizing he doesn't want to make it that easy for me. "Not so fast." He growls and jerks back showing that I can't control him.

What seemed like a simple gesture of him playing hard-to-get was quickly turned into a disastrous mistake. "J no!" My eyes went wide with legitimate terror as it happened.

A Boiling Flask was knocked over off of his desk as his back hit the edge. The fluids inside spilled over the desk and dripped onto the floor. Without hesitation J grabbed a gas mask and put it on as the liquid turned into steam and then into gas. All I could do is watch as he clamped his hand over me mouth and nose and attempted to herd me out of the room. When I didn't budge he threw me over his shoulder to carry me out. "Come on baby!" he shouts but I can't even comprehend what he's saying.

I had been exposed to a clearly superior fear gas that obviously didn't effect my already completely insane boyfriend. I stare over his shoulder at the scene unfolding in front of me; The Riddler is stalking towards us, looking as terrifying as ever.

(A/N I didn't really remember the whole fear-gas thing but I had seen it in a few other fics with different plots so I did some research and decided to add it into my own plot line. Also, I might not have a chance to post tomorrow. I've been trying really hard but work has really worn me down this week on top of being sick.)

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