Chapter 16- Unkept Secrets

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*Harley's POV*

"Puddin'?" I enter the bedroom slowly, peaking in the room. There's no response. I sigh and sit on the bed and just stare at my hands.

"Miss?" One of J's henchmen approach me.

"You're not supposed to be in here." I mumble.

"Well I think that it's okay. Mr. J is t here." He said slowly.

"Well, the last one of his henchmen who was somewhere where they weren't supposed to be with me, got a knife to his throat." I snapped.

"Honestly, I just came to tell you that your friend Floyd is here." He said and walked out quickly.

I laughed to myself and walk out into the kitchen to see Deadshot sitting at the table talking with Travis. "Hey boys." I say casually.

"Hey Princess, are you doing okay?" Deadshot smiled at me and pulled out the chair next to him.

"Yeah...." I said sitting down next to him.

"I really think you should consider talking to J." He started.

"He's not even here. I was just looking for him." I say.

"Well, I'm sure he'll turn up eventually." He said with a smile.

I looked at the floor nervously.


*Joker's POV*

"You have ten seconds to tell me what you want with me before I slit your throat." I snap at one of my many henchmen.

"I- I over heard Harley and Deadshot talking. Apparently Deadshot wants her to tell you something and she doesn't want to." He stammers.

I growl. "What the hell could she not want to tell me?" I take the small knife from his throat and he exhales.

"I'm not sure sir, but they're upstairs in the kitchen." He says to me.

I sit on a stool downstairs where I torture people, writing my next plan. I sigh loudly, "I'm sure if it's really that important she'll come to me eventually. Until then-" I wave my hand in the air at him, "scram. I'm working."

"Yes sir." He mumbles before leaving.

I sit there and think. I can't get my work done. Harley doesn't keep things from me does she? Maybe I should go check and see what they're talking about now.

I enter the hall outside of the kitchen and stop when I hear Floyd's voice talking in a low calm tone. "-but don't you agree that he should know? I mean he is the father..."

My eyes widen as I take another step forward. "This is J we're talking about, I don't think he could ever handle a child." Harley responds to him and I think my face went whiter, if that's even possible.

I gripped the wall for support as I attempted to get closer. I needed to get to her. I finally reached the kitchen after what felt like an eternity and composed myself the best I could. "You're pregnant?" I ask her in what I wanted to be a flat bored tone, but I heard my voice raise into a surprised question.

Her head whipped around quickly and her eyes widened when she saw me. "J- I-I-" she looked like she was about to start crying.

I did the only thing I could. I ran over and wrapped my arms around her tightly. "Shh... It's okay... It's going to be okay..." I stroked her hair. I couldn't show her my fear. I couldn't show her that I was just as scared, if not more scared than she was. Except she was afraid of what I want going to do to her, and I was afraid of what I would have to become to be a father. My whole world came crashing down and only one thought rang clear. I'm going to be a father.

*Harley's POV*

"Harley, honestly it's your decision what you do from here." Deadshot says to me reassuringly placing his hand on my leg.

"I-I can't face him. I need to run. I need to hide until I can make someone up you know?" I say to him.

"I understand, but don't you agree that he should know? I mean he is the father..." He said quietly. He head snapped up suddenly then he gave me a small smile and resumed his relaxed position.

I gave him a questioning look before answering. "This is J we're talking about." I roll my eyes. "I don't think he could ever handle a child." That earned me a smile from Deadshot.

"You're pregnant?" My head whipped around and I saw J standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking more pale than usual.

I glare at Deadshot before answering. He knew that J had been listening. He sent me an apologetic smile. "J- I-I-" tears stung in my eyes as I tried to hold them back.

J's masked face turned soft and he quickly moved to my side wrapping his arms around me. I stiffened then relaxed when I realized he was hugging me. "Shh, it's okay, it's going to be okay..." His voice shook with every word and I could feel his breath on my neck as his stroked my hair.

I knew he was scared, but this is a reaction I would have never expected from the King of Gotham. Deadshot must have left, because I pulled away to look at him and he wasn't there anymore.

"Why are you crying?" J pulled my attention back to him and I just looked down. He lifted my chin to look at him. "You shouldn't cry doll face, it's unattractive." He winked trying to get me to laugh but I wasn't having it. He sighed dropping his arms. "Besides, it's not the end of the world Harley. This... This could be a good thing. This could make us more..." He searched for the right word before smiling and standing up straight. "Stable."

I smile at him standing. "You ain't mad?"

"I can't be." He said sighing slumping his shoulders in defeat.

"It was bound to happen at one point or another." He said calmly. "Neither of us really care for protection..." He mused staring blankly at a wall. "Which is typically my fault actually. However, I am slightly disappointed that you didn't want to tell me. What were you afraid of Harley?"

"I didn't want you to hate me." I said my voice breaking.

"No matter what I say darling, I could never hate you." He said. This was how he said that he loved me, and since he didn't normally express his feelings, I was okay with that.

(A/N this took me about two days to write, and I'm sorry that it's not very long but it was very difficult to write. This will be the last chapter. I would love your feedback for future fics that I do. Thank you so much for sticking with me for two fics. Love you guys! And if you like my shit please read my fic "Who is Mr. J?" which you can find on my profile. Thanks!)

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