Chapter 9- Great Escape

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*Harley's POV*

I woke up in a groggy state and looked around my cage. Everything hurt, I was just in a bra and panties with a cast on my hand and around my rib cage. I felt my hand and my hand touches a large bandage on my forehead. I saw Doctor Anderson sitting outside of my cell on a chair reading a book. "Doctor?" I ask. I didn't realize till I spoke how dry my throat was and how much it hurt. It was emphasized by talking though.

Almost as if she read my mind she rolled me a water bottle that was filled with pink frothy liquid. I immediately drank it not questioning. A very bitter tasting warm strawberry smoothie, but I didn't really care if it was acid at this point. It was liquid. "You've been out for days..." She commented.

Suddenly I was filled with panic. "What day is it?" I asked my eyes going wide.

"Wednesday?" She said raising an eyebrow.

Shit. Today was the day I was supposed to get the fuck out of this place. "I've been out for a full week and you tell me a few days." I sneer. I wasn't trying to be rude but I was now very stressed. I had no contact with anyone and I didn't know what the fuck was going on. I finish my smoothie and I hear voices out in the hall.

"Where the fuck is she?" Floyd. Floyd is just outside the door. "I ask about her three fucking days ago and told she's in her cell. No one has seen her for a fucking week everyone assumes she's just dead!"

"Why do you care?" A voice who I'm assuming is a guard asks.

"I her friend damn it!" Floyd yells. "Probably her only friend in here! I'm just looking out for her."

Doctor Anderson sighs leaving the room. "She's awake." She tells the people in the hall. "She'll stay there until she recovers."

"Recovers from what?" Floyd asks.

"She is ill." The Doctor says.

Liar. Fucking liar. I think. I gather all my energy and use the bars of the cell to pull myself up. "I'm not sick!" I scream as loud as my burning throat will let me. "I was beaten nearly to death!"

I hear a tump from the hall. "Hey where did you get that!?" I head the guard yell. Then a gunshot and the clanking of keys.

The door opens and Floyd comes running in, he begins to fumble with the lock on the cell. I notice a gun shape in his pocket. (A/N I realize prison uniforms probably don't have pockets but just roll with it.)

"What are you doing?" I demand. "You're going to ruin everything!"

"It's my job to get you out. I'm the only one who knows where you are." He says. Good point. "Can you walk?" He eyes me.

"I don't know." I admit.

He gets the door open. "Come on." He wraps his arm around my waist and we both run out of the room. I can walk with his support but it hurts. Alarms sound from everywhere as we push the doors upon to enter the hall. Gun shots and laughter echoes through the halls. We reach a door and Floyd looks o the keys he stole to unlock it. He finally finds the right key after what seems like an eternity. "Where the hell are your clothes?" He asks as if just noticing.

"Couldn't tell you, but who cares! Just open the door!" I say.

He sighs and pushes it open to reveal a  long but wide hall way with dozens of dead guards laying on the concrete. "Well we must have just missed them." He says as we run down the hall.

He's faster than me and I end up tripping over a body and falling, crying in pain. "Floyd!" I yell.

He looks back, stopping. "Go!" I hear a voice behind me. Floyd smiles and keeps running in the direction he was going. I scream as strong arms lift me off the ground and I'm picked up bridal style and I'm moving back in the same direction as Floyd just went.

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