Chapter 10- Burned Flesh

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*Joker's POV*

I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to. I knew Travis was waiting for instructions on what to do with the prisoners we had taken. I sigh and look down at Harley. Her eyes were closed but I knew she wasn't sleeping. Out of allot the times we have had sex, this was the first time we had made love. I shift to move away and stand up pulling on an old pair of Arkham sweats. I went to open the door.

"J?" I heard her say.

I turn around. "Yes doll face?"

"Where are ya going?" She asks looking upset.

"I have business to take care of." I tell her.

She smiles, "can I come?"

I smile back and walk back to the bed and lift her up from underneath her arms. I grab a short blue and black dress from the closet and pull it over her head then hand her a pair of clean panties. "Of course." I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arm around her waist supporting her weight so she can walk with me.

We enter a large room on the main floor to see Deadshot talking to Travis and another one of my men. Deadshot cracks a smile as soon as he sees us. "Okay I've heard of a happy reunion, but you guys were just going at it!" He laughs.

I glare at him. "Shut up Floyd I can kill you faster than you can get your gun out of its holster."

"One, I just helped you save your girl." He says. "And two, I'm out of bullets."

I just chuckle. I'm in a good mood, but my mood was soon broken when Travis speaks up.

"Umm boss? What do you want to do with the prisoners." He asks.

I growl. "I get Lucas. Harley gets to watch. I don't care what happens to the doctor."

"They're downstairs." Another one of my men says.

"Together?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, but separate cages." He confirms.

"Good." I sly smile spreads across my face. "The doctor can watch too."

I pull Harley along with me down to where they are. "Puddin' I don't want to be down here..." She whispers clinging to my side.

"I'm right here doll you'll be fine." I tell her. She never really liked it down here, but she's never reacted like this before.

"J please..." I heard her voice crack and I just rolled my eyes and pulled her closer.

We approached the cages and I motioned for her to sit. She did and I walked to Lucas and unlocked the cage and stepped inside. I didn't bother locking it behind me. It would be more entertaining if he ran. I smiled down at him on the floor. "Lucas is it?" I slurred.

"Yeah." He stands up facing me bravely and I laugh.

"You hurt my Queen." I tell him. "Naughty..." I step out of the cage and he doesn't follow. "You don't want to play?" I laugh again, but louder. "Too bad. I swiftly pull a table from the corner in front of the cages opening. "You caged Harley now I cage you." I spit on him. I grab as mall and fairly small knife along with a bottle of conifer and salt.

He steps forward. "Do your worse dick head." He said.

"Frisky." I say and kick him I a shin. "I don't like frisky." I kick him in his other shin. "I could just kill ya." I say as I punch him hand in the stomach and he finally doubles over. "But where's the fun in that..." I grab his left hand and begin to saw off his pinky finger.

He gasps but nothing else. "You're going to have to do better." He says gritting his teeth. "I had to deal with your psychotic girlfriend for over a year."

I growl and sprinkle salt on his decapitated nub the poor vinegar on it. He lets a grunt escape and closes his eyes. "Oh, I know it hurts." I grab a few throwing darts from the table and begin to throw them at him, hitting him in the chest. I see that's it's actually starting to get to him and he glances at Harley. "That's right, you can look but you can't touch..." I say the. Kick him in the face.

"I can touch whoever I want, whenever I want." He tries to get up.

I laugh. "Is that so?" I grab a jar from the table and open it then I force his mouth open, pour it it. Then clamp it shut while holding his nose. I can see his skin start of burn and his eyes go red from the acid. Then I finally let go of him he screams, his insides burning as the chemicals eat away at his flesh. I laugh and walk out locking the cage to leave him there to rot. "Your next." I snap at the doctor who seems to be watching Harley intently. I move my eyes to her. "Darling.."

"I- I can't." She tries to get up and falls, tears streaming down her face.

I hurry over to her and help her up. "Harley don't try and walk by yourself."

"I told you I didn't want to be down here!" She screams and I jump back, not expecting it.

My body tenses and I raise my hand and glare at her. "Don't fucking speak to me like that!"

She stumbles back and I catch her before she can fall. "Let go!"

"I didn't mean..." I sigh. "I'm sorry. I know you're hurting I'm just not a sensitive person." I hated seeing her like this. It hurt to see her weak. "What do you need?" I asked her.

"I- I need... I'm going to be sick..." I bent to lift her but she threw up on the floor in front of me. The whole room smelled of burning flesh and vomit, normally I would get angry but I couldn't. "I'm sorry..."

"Shh... It's okay.. You need to rest.." I assure her. I lift her to carry her upstairs. She's asleep before we even make it to the bed.

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