7. Last Minute pack Meeting

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" Don't let her fool you. She may be human, but she's got wolf blood."

Chapter 7

Last Minute Pack Meeting

Sierra's POV

After I spoke to Xavier, I went to an old friend from high school- Ben, whose mother had a flower shop and arranged for flowers for Jake's birthday party.

As I drove back home, I realized how much Xavier had helped us against his own father. How he had saved me and my sister and had let Xander walk from the coven. He had never wanted anything in return. He had no one to express how he felt and I suddenly felt horrible of accusing him of being like his father.

I made a mental to note to convince Jake to sign the treaty at any cost.

As I pulled up in front of the driveway I took deep breaths and tried to mentally think of how to bring the treaty up with Jake. Which was how Xander found me. I let out a small scream when I realized him just staring at me. He jumped at my sudden scream and knocked on my window.

"Xander what on hell? You freaked me out."I said getting out of the car.

The car Jake had bought me. The thing was Aaron had to work and save and do chores to get his car. So when my parents wanted to get me a car, Aaron threw a hissy fit. Naturally I refused to work and I didn't get a car. Jake who heard about it bought a white Maserati for himself. He then called me over and told me that the car was for me and that I could use it. People were suspicious that Jake never used the car and I was the one using it but it soon become old topic. Jake was amazing like that.

"Oh. I freaked you out. See that's funny, cuz you freaked me out just sitting in the car like a freak." He said rolling his blue eyes, which were an exact replica of his brother's at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, leaning over and grabbing the treaty Xavier gave me.

"I'm here to pick up Clary. We're headed out for lunch at this... what is that?" he said pointing at the treaty and giving me a pointed look.

"Nothing." I said heading to my house

"That's the Koráki coven's print. Did you go to see Xavier?" he asked or rather accused.

"Xander, no offence but stay out of this okay?" I said as we stepped into my house.

"Stay out of this? Sierra he's a warlock." He said his voice a little loud.

I rolled my eyes and dropped my thing on the table, but still held the document close to me.

"So are you." I said

"I wish I wasn't. He thrives off of magik." He said running his fingers through his hair.

"Just wishing for something doesn't make it true! And you know maybe you should show him a little gratitude. He did save all of us." I said glaring at Xander

"Oh. Okay. I'll be grateful. Maybe do Sunday brunches." He said sarcastically.

We were so busy arguing that we didn't even realize there were others in the living room until my father cleared her throat.

Our heads snapped to him and we were like deer caught in head lights. My father, Alpha Peter and Alpha Wes were in the living room, all of them looking at us.I turned red.

"H..hi.." I said my voice shaky. Luckily for us Clary walked down the stairs at that moment, giving me a- we'll talk later look- so I knew she heard the conversation, thanks to her heightened senses, and dragged Xander out.

I offered the others a smile and tried to walk away but Alpha Peter stopped me.

"Sierra. Are you holding a document from the Koráki coven?" he asked.

Good lord Xavier, did you have to seal it with your Coven sign?

Being confronted by Jake was one thing, Alpha Peter was another.

"Alpha Peter... this..Uh.." I began my eyes darting to Alpha Wes, not sure what to say in front of him. What was he doing in my house anyway?

"Sierra, Alpha Wes is trustworthy. What is it?" Alpha Peter asked, firmer this time.

"High Warlock Xavier, wants an alliance. He said after his father's death, a lot of people are for an uprising to over throw him. An alliance with Riverdale can prove that he is more than capable of leading the coven." I said careful with my words.

Alpha Peter and my dad looked at each other and nodded. Probably communicating with their pack link.

All wolves a part of a part sworn to an Alpha have pack links with each other. Wolves can talk to each other telepathically but can also block each other out. Mates can't block each other out. Once they accept each other, one can read the other's mind.

"We were talking about it the other day. We were thinking it will be a good idea to have an alliance with covens with everything going on." Alpha Peter said.

"Everything going on?" I asked.

"There will be a pack meeting after lunch and everything will be explained." He said putting out his hand asking for the documents.

I bit my cheeks and gave him a sheepish look.

"What?" he asked me

"Xavier kind of wants the alliance to be signed by Jake. He knew Jake is taking over soon and.." I said offering him a small smile.

Alpha Peter laughed and his eyes lit up with amusement.

"That Xavier kid maybe the spawn of Satan but he sure is smart. If the coven can't see what a good leader he'll make, they're idiots. Why don't you give me the documents and I'll see if the terms are agreeable." He said offering me a smile.

"Umm.. Thank you Alpha Peter." I said handing over the documents to him.

I was a little skeptical about the whole thing. My parents hated Xavier. Sure 2 years back when he saved my sister and I from his father they were overcome with gratitude, but after that they never wanted anything to do with him. There was no olive branch or Christmas card or party invitations sent his way. I was the only person who bothered to stay in touch with him. Xander himself had distanced himself from him in the excuse of wanting a fresh start with Clary. And now, my father hadn't even flinched when I told him I went to meet him.

Lunch that day was served at the pack house before the big meeting. I couldn't find Alpha Peter, Alpha Wes, Aaron, my father or Jake. Chase was with the other warriors giving them instructions if there was a surprise attack.

I sat on the table with the rest of the females from the pack and made small talk. As I looked around in the huge piece of empty land behind the pack house, I realized that the air was tense.

On closer inspection, people looked nervous. It was only then I realized why, we were having a last minute pack meeting with another Alpha on our ground. Which meant that the news that was going to be given to us wasn't exactly good news.

Alpha Maximus is introduced in chapter 10 but all these characters play very important roles. Have patience al please Vote :)


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Lots Of Love,
Irenaa Zar.

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