29. Groupies always welcome

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Chapter 28

Groupies always welcome.

"Maybe she's better off with humans." - Aaron.

Sierra's POV

I was pretty sure I was way too early at the mall. Perhaps the first customer there. I noticed all the empty parking slots the second I got out of my car. For a Saturday morning the place was way too quiet.

Some kids in skateboards hung out by the back entrance, security giving them wary looks when a loud of laughter came from them. But beside that it was quiet, the stores were just opening up. People with company logos were setting up the stores and janitors were watering plants and cleaning the already white floors.

But the air was clean and no one was glaring at me, so that was a win in itself.

I found a tiny café that was open for breakfast and decided to get myself some savories and check to see if her phone had any reception.

The pack ran on a different network for security reasons and no one had bothered to put me on it. And I had no one to ask.

I spent the next couple of hours returning texts and calls to friends and family. I wasn't able to get a hold of Jake, but I figured that was for the best.

When the café was more crowded and the stores were open, I decided to wander about.

Shopping in aimlessness.

I bought a few new jackets, a pair of boots, and was almost ready to head to the food court when a record store caught my eye.

I had an odd passion for music. I didn't know where I picked it up from, maybe the live Jive bars I went to in high school. Karaoke nights had taken the tone-deaf attitude I had and I was pretty decent at singing. And with all the praise came an insatiable urge to learn more about music.

I walked into the retro themed record store and was shuffling through a few records, when a guy slid up next to me.

"Hello, I'm Ryan. Welcome to Blue records. Can I help you find anything? We gift wrap presents." He said with a smile.

Ryan looked like a hipster teen with warm brown eyes hidden behind his square glasses. He had a beanie on, and beads across his neck and wrists. His chipped fingers gave him off as a guitar player.

"You have any Journey records ?" I asked him.

His eyes widened.

" You looking for someone?" he said moving down the aisle and gesturing me to follow.

"For myself. I'm a fan." I explained.

"Woah really?" he said giving me a once over.

"I'm going to try and not be offended by that." I teased.

"What... No... That's not..." he fumbled over his words.

I chuckled.

"Relax Ry. I'm teasing." I said as he flushed.

"It's a fairly small town. Most girls prefer hot dudes as musicians than the actual music. But I shouldn't have assumed..." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"No worries. And speaking of towns. What's fun around here?"

"You new?" he said. This time checking me out instead of judging.

"Just moved from Riverdale two weeks back." I said, offering no further explanation.

"Well from one town to another, I hope this one's a little more exciting." He said smiling at me. His flirt on.

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