27. They don't know.

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"Fight for her. Constantly.  Or she'll leave. She's used to walking away. So fight for her. Give her a reason to stay. Give her your heart." - Darren to Alpha Maximus.

Chapter 27

They don't know.

Sierra's POV

The day of my official commencement into the pack was finally here. I had decided to go along with the pack traditions and wear the ceremonial dress. 

I couldn't wipe the scowl off my face, but I tried.

After the incident at the bar, I had locked myself into my room and tried to shake off the past memories. Not that anyone in the pack knew anything about it. My own parents didn't know the details of what happened that night. No one knew the depths of my torture and scars I held in secret.

No one beside Jake and Xavier.

And I had sworn them to secrecy. No matter how much they begged me to talk to someone.

I wasn't damaged. I could handle it. Like I did everything else in my life. By myself.

There were two rapid knocks on my door before the door swung open and Alexandria walked in. Her displeasure matching mine.

We hadn't spoken more than a handful of words, but then again, I hadn't spoken to anyone in this pack. 

There was some sort of invisible barrier that I couldn't cross. 

They hated me and I seemed to be returning the favor just fine.

"They're ready for you." She said, giving me a once over.

The ceremony was fairly quick, and it went by in a blur and I soon found myself leaning against a table, a glass of red in my hand. A lot of the older pack members, who seemed genuine enough introduced themselves and I tried hard to remember their names.

"Luna Sierra... I am so glad that you've agreed to wear the dress." Linda said walking towards me.

I Struggled to not roll my eyes at her. Maximus' voice echoing in my head.

Mess with her again and you'll be gone.

Her mere presence left a sour taste on my mouth.

"I hope you'll let me help you get settled in. It would be my honor." She said pulling me in for a hug.

"Thanks Linda. But I think I want to test out the waters myself. Make more friends you know?" I said, faking a smile with my extra sugary tone.

"Well I must introduce you to a few pack members. My best friend used to be a part od Riverdale. There she is!" she said calling someone familiar over.

"Megan." I hissed.

"Sierra hey." Megan said, her eyes not meeting mine.

Megan Sanders and I went to the same high school. 

Her family didn't have a ranking in the pack but seemed to be pretty decent. They were ecstatic that her daughter had found a mate in the golden boy of the Regaldi family – Chase.

They were so proud of good girl Meghan. Well that was before, I found her making out with my friend Darren Regaldi under the bleachers on prom night.

Chase and I had never gotten along, - not until prom night anyway- we ran in different circles and had different lives. But my heart went out to him when he found out that his younger brother and his mate were running around behind his back.

Sides were taken, relationships broken and families were humiliated.

It didn't help that Darren and Megan ran away the day after prom, leaving a note saying Meghan was pregnant.

Chase said Megan hadn't wanted to have sex with him yet. He had respected her choice, only to find out she'd been giving it up to her brother the whole time.

I hadn't spoken to Darren since Prom. When I told him, I was ashamed of him.

"Ah. So, you both do know each other. We'll I'll leave y'all to it. Alpha Maximus looks hungry. I'm going to set him a plate." Linda said walking towards him.

A small smile graced his face when he saw her. He bent down to say something to her and his eyes lit up at her response.

"They don't know." A voice brought me back to the presence.

"What?" I asked Megan, a hint of displeasure creeping into my voice.

"The pack. They don't know about Chase and our old lives. We just told them about us needing a fresh start..."

"Scared they'll judge you?" I asked, unintentionally sounding malicious.

Her eyes widened.

"We like it here Sierra. It's a good life. Our daughter is beloved, we have a small house, Darren is a Warrior. It's a good life. I'm happy. We're happy..."

"I won't tell." I said, cutting her off. Even talking to her felt like I was betraying Chase.

She nodded looking relieved.

"I'm not doing this for you." I clarified. "Darren was my friend growing up, we might not be close now, but I did care about him deeply once. I still do. So, if he's happy. With you... I'll respect that."

"Thank you, Sierra." She said beginning to walk away.


"Yeah?" she said pausing a few feet away from me.

"It's Luna Sierra."

Lots Of Love,

Irenaa Zar.

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