25. Looks Can be Deceiving.

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Sometimes the greatest relationships are the ones you never expected to be in. The one's that sweep you off your feet and challenge every single view you've ever had.' - Sierra Jacobs

Chapter 25

Appearances can be deceiving.

Sierra's POV

I somehow managed to spend the last fifteen minutes tumbling and tripping over the boxes in the crammed up room in nothing but my underwear and a pair of jean shorts. I tried to find clothes for myself but I had only managed to find dresses and more lacy underwear. I groaned as I face planted the ground over a satin dress and a box fell over me.

"Oh thank god!" I yelled exasperated, when I realized the box had a few shirts in it. I quickly pulled one over myself and stumbled into the wooden floored hall, straightening out my dark locks out my hair and turning around to glare at the small room I was given. The place was a dump.


hoped the kitchen was a little better...

I was wrong.

The kitchen was stocked with raw meat, all kinds of meat.

I barfed a little and placed my fist in my mouth to stop myself from throwing up. I slammed the light grey door and looked around the spotless kitchen that had a metallic theme going... I found myself opening all the drawers and shelves in the hopes of finding something a little more appetizing. I was so hungry that I would settle even for a granola bar. But the more shelves I closed shut, the more hopeless I felt. I suddenly missed home, I missed the pack's warm smiles and sitting on the breakfast counter with my siblings and friends.

I sat down on the bar stool and swirled around. My mother had gotten rid of the bar stools at home for the same reason. I somehow always managed to spin myself dizzy, and that wasn't a good combination with my frequent trips to the bar.

I chuckled at the feeling of air on my face.

"Um... Hello?" a meek voice asked making me jump. I quickly held on to the counter top and looked at the entrance of the kitchen to see a short blonde girl.

"Hey!" I said, smiling at the friendly face.

I was honestly going crazy all by myself and I think that the girl saw that, since she was giving me a wary look.

"Hi. I'm Linda." She said her voice small, taking cautious steps towards me.

I laughed "I don't bite Linda." I said, standing up and feeling a little light headed. I grabbed the stool again to steady myself and I don't think that helped with Linda.

She looked at me like I was crazy and was probably wondering why the Alpha choose me as his mate.

"I'm Sierra." I said giving her a smile and walking towards her, trying not to trip over with dizziness. I was usually 90% mature, calm and poised, but the other 10% I got a little crazy... it's also where the intoxicating part of me came from.

"It's nice to meet you. Welcome to the family!" she chirped, but her eyes told me she didn't trust me.

I gave her a once over. She looked about my age, with gentle curls and warm brown eyes, she was about a two foot shorter than me and gave off the whole innocent virgin look. She didn't look like a Xenaki. And something about her unsettled me.

Looks could be deceiving.

"Are you another one of Alpha Maximus' cousins?" I asked her curiously.

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