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Chapter 3 

Rachel's pov: 

"Hi." He said . 

I stood there speechless and then I slammed the door in his face and ran into the bathroom locking the door. 

Finns pov:

"Hi." I said to Rachel. 

She looked at me and her skin went pale and then without a word she slammed the door in face. I stood there and then Kurt opened it and said, 

"Sorry about that." He said. 

"Is she okay? Maybe this was a bad idea." I said concerned. 

"No it's okay I'll talk to her come on in." He told me and gave me a hug. 

"Kurt is Rachel alright she just ran into the bathroom and locked the door." Some other dude who seemed gay said. 

"Finn this is Brody, Rachel's fiancee." Kurt said 

Okay maybe not gay. I thought.  

"Nice to meet you Brody I'm Finn Hudson , Kurt's step brother." I said. 

"Nice to meet you Finn, Rachel has told me a lot about you." He said. 

"Oh she did." I said. 

"Yeah she said you went to the Army ." He told me . 

"Yeah I just got out." I said . 

"Cool, Kurt tell Rachel I'll call her I gotta get to work. Finn it was nice to meet you."  He said and left .

"I should go ."I said. 

"No stay you just got here." Kurt said. 

"No I gotta check into my hotel any way ." I said. 

"Finn she hasn't stopped talking about you since you left ." He told me . 

"I hurt her Kurt, and after we lost the baby,  I just I don't want her to be in anymore pain than she already was." I said.

"Look I'll tlk to Rachel , come by for dinner tonight ." He said . 

"Okay see ya tonight." I said and left .

Rachel's pov :

I waited till Finn left to come back out , 

" What is  he doing here?" I asked Kurt . 

"Rachel , he just got dismissed from the Army , he's in a rut he just needs a fresh start." He told me. 

"So why here?" I asked him . 

"Rachel you are the only person who can help him , he needs you to keep him stable." He told me . 

"I'm with Brody." I stated . 

"Just tell him you're only friends." He said. 

"Okay fine." I said giving in. 

"Good, now Finns coming over tonight so lets go grocery shopping." He said and we left. 

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