The Wedding Part 2

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Chapter 15
Rachels pov:
"Okay everyone time to catch the bouque!" Emma said.

Everyone gathered around and I watched as she threw the flowers and suddenly it landed in my arms. I smiled, embarrassed as everyone clapped.

I was upstairs watching everyone dance when Finn came up behind me.

"See ,traditionally only single girls catch the bouque." He said.

I turned around and said,

"I am single." I said.

"Oh really?" He asked me.

"Yeah, Brody and I broke up." I told him.

"Oh geez , I'm sorry. " He said with sincerity.

"It's okay , I should be focusing on Broadyway and making it there instead." I said.

"Right because thats more important than anything right?" He asked me.

"Right." I said.

"You know I was thinking about Will and Emma and relationships are a lot like flowers. If you find the right seed, put in good soil,  eventually it'll bloom. But then winter rolls around and that flower dies, but if you tend to that garden take of it with water and sunlight , eventually when spring comes around, it blooms." He told me coming closer.

"Are you saying you want to be a gardner?" I asked him.

"She loves me, she love me not ." He said picking of the petals of a flower.

"I don't need anyone , haven't you ever seen Sex and the City?" I asked him.

"Do you really believe all that stuff? Sex and The City,  just being friends with benefits, mature conversations? She loves me." He said.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked him.

"You and I both know how this thing ends. I don't know how , or when,  and I don't care where you are or what dope you're shacked up with, you are my girlfriend and we are endgame. You and I both know that." He said. " She loves me , she love me not, she loves me , she loves me not." He repeated.

"We should go sing our duet." I said and starting leave when I heaed him say,

"She loves me." Then followed.

We got on stage and we started to sing:
I know it's late
I know you're weary
I know your plans don't include me
Still here we are
Both of us lonely

Longing for shelter from all that we see
Why should we worry?
No one will care, girl
Look at the stars now, so far away
(Looks at Finn and smiles)
We've got tonite
Who needs tomorrow?
We've got tonite, babe, why don't you stay?
(Flashforward to them dancing)
Deep in my soul
I've been so lonely
All of my hopes now so fading away
I've longed for love
Like everyone else does
I know I'll keep searching after today
So there it is, girl
We've got it all now
And here we are, babe
What do you say?
We've got tonite
Who needs tomorrow?
We've got tonite, babe, why don't we stay?
I know it's late and I know you're weary
I know your plans don't include me
Still here we are
Both of us lonely,
both of us lonely

We've got tonite
Who needs tomorrow?
Let's make it last
Let's find a way
Turn out the light, come take my hand now
We've got tonite, babe, why don't we stay?
(Flashforward to Finn and Rachel going to the hotel room and Rachel and Finn taking their clothes off)
(Back to song)
We've got tonite, babe, why don't we stay?
(End of song)
I looked at Finn and grabbed his hand and we went upstairs to the hotel room.

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