Grease Part 2

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Chapter 11
(2 days later)
Finns pov:
Grease is in 2 days and I am so nervous. This is the first time I helped out with a musical and I'm so nervous I just want everything to be perfect. It doesn't help that Rachels back though, I haven't talked to her since the day she got here. I just don't know what to say to her exactly . What do you say to the person who you thought was endgame? I walked into the choir room to see Marley freaking out .

"Marley what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I can't do this , I'm too scared." She said crying.

I froze and then Rachek came in,

"I'm here , what happened?" She asked her.

"My dress is too small and I can't do this I'm going to choke." Marley said.

"Hey, take a deep breath it's okay. Marley just breath." Rachel said.

"I can't, this is too tight." She told Rachel.

"Okay then lets take it off." Rachel said.

Rachel then grabbed the scissors and cut Marley out of her skirt and said,

"Thats weird it looks like the stitching was adjusted who did this?" She asked me.

"Tina." I said.

"I haven't changed a thing since 3 days ago." Tina said.

"Oh god I am getting fat." Marley said panicked.

"What, Marley you are not fat you're beautiful." Rachel told her.

"I am?" She asked her.

"Of course you are, Marley don't let anyone ever  make you feel bad , you are beautiful and talented and anyone who says other wise is jealous." She told Marley.

"Thanks Rachel." She said.

"You're welcome, Tina can you fix Marleys dress to fit her better and then give it to me so no one can alter it? " Rachel asked.

"Of course." Tina said and they left.

I looked at Rachel and smiled,

"Wow you handled that beautifully." I said.

"Well I do have a talent for making people feel better." Rachel said.

"Thanks for helping with everything the kids already love you and you're really doing great." I said.

"Awe your welcome it's the least I can do." She said.

"So how is New York?" I asked her.

"It's, it's good." She said.

"Good." I said.

"Ugh , I'm going to go help the kids and check on Marley." She said.

"Okay." I said and she left.

"You are so in love with her." Ryder said.

I looked at him and said,

"Shut up and go put on your costume." I said and left.

(Opening night)
Rachels pov:
Tonights the opening night of Grease and I'm so nervous for everyone I mean it's so crazy to think they have come so far. I'm really happy I got to help especially with Marley she reminds me a lot of me. I am sorta sad to be going home though , I like being back home. Finn and I really haven't talked so much though since I got here and I know it sounds crazy because I broke up with him but I miss him, a lot. Anyway we were all back stage and I was with Marley telling her she was ready to do this.

"Marley, you got this kiddo, I believe in you and so does everyone else , you have this part nailed." I said.

"Maybe we should get a forklift to carry her out." Kitty said jokingly.

"Don't listen to her Marley she's just jealous. " I said.

"Okay everyone time for show circle." Finn yelled.

Everyone gathered around and held hands. I took Finn hand and we began,

"I'm so proud of everyone here, you have all worked so hard and I couldn't be happier with the results so lets go and show everyone how we do Grease. " He said.

"Actually before we go on the cast has something we want to say." Marley told Finn and I.

Suddenly the boys came out with two boquets of roses and gave them to Finn and I.

"Awe you guys." I said.

"We appreciate your hard work too Finn and Rachel and would like to give you these flowers as a thank you." Ryder said.

"Awe thank you guys. Now Grease Lightning on 3." Finn said.


"Grease Lightning!" We all yelled and the show started.

(2 hours later)
We were in the final number and as they were performing You're The One That I Want, I suddenly pictured Finn and I singing it and it was like we were in high school again . After they finished and everyone was clapping I looked at Kurt and got up and went to the bathroom to call Brody. I needed to remind myself that he was in New York waiting to see me.

I dialed his number and then suddenly a woman answered.

"Hello Schwimer." Cassandra my dance teacher from freshman year said.

"Cassi?" I said confused.

"How ya doing?" She asked me.

"Why are you answering Brodys phone?" I asked her.

"Oh thats simple, we slept together." She said.

I froze, I didn't want to believe it how could this happen?

"You're lying Brody would never sleep with you." I said.

"Oh but he did , you see you went away to see your ex's play and Brody was lonely so there I was." She said.

"Why, why would you do that?" I asked her.

"Because you are a spoiled , rotten, little girl, who need to be put in her...." I quickly hung up before she could even finish her sentence.

I walked out of the bathroom only to see Finn there.

"Rachel." He said.

"Oh hi Finn." I said trying not to cry in front of him.

"Were you crying?" He asked me .

"No." I said lying.

"I know you Rachel and I know your types of crying. The fake crying when  you want something. The crying during a song which that can't be it, and the crying over a boy which I know very well because it used be reserved for me." He told me.

I looked down and he said,

"It was Brody wasn't it." He said.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come here." I said.

"Yeah maybe not." He said.

"All I know is that this isn't home to me anymore and it was a mistake coming back here." I said.

"Yeah it was maybe we should just stay out of each other's life. No contact not even through song." He said.

"Fine with me." I said and left.

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