I Can't

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Chapter 9
(Rachels dance class)
Finns pov:
I was at Rachels dance class watching her. She was amazing , she had so much talent and she was just amazing. I watched her and then it dawned on me, what if she doesn't need me anymore I mean she has Brody, but we have so much chemistry. Anyway , I told Rachel I was tired and I meet her at home so she gave me a key. I got home that afternoon and laid down only to have Bear , Rachels and I's dog before I left come up and lick my face.

"Hey buddy." I said petting his head.

Suddenly Rachels boyfriend came in.

"Bear get down!" He yelled and then saw me.

"Oh hey Finn." He said.

"Hi." I said.

"I thought you were with Rachel." He said.

"I was but I kind of got a little tired so I went home." I told him.

"Oh I see." He said.

"So Brody , Rachel never told me what you do for a living." I said.

"Oh I'm an assistant for one of the professors at NYADA thats where I met Rachel."

"Oh cool." I said.

"So how did you and Rachel meet?" He asked me.

"Oh I stopped her from killing herself." I said.

He looked at me wide eyed,

"What?" He asked me.

"Oh yeah we met on a roof because I saw her and I convinced her not to jump. So I guess you could say I saved her life." I said smirking.

"Really because she told me that you left her after she lost the baby." He said.

"She told you that?" I asked him getting real serious.

"Yeah she also said that it broke her heart but then I came along and healed her." He said.

"So I guess she's lucky to have you." I said.

"No that be me." He said.

"Right well I'm going to head out tonight so I'll no longer be in your way." I said .

Bear came up to me and put him paw up to my leg.

"Bye buddy." I said and left.

(Later that night)
Rachels pov:
I got home that night and check my answering machine to see I had a miss call from Finn. I sat down and listened,

"Hey Rach it's me Finn, I um , I decided to head back to Lima because I don't belong in New York or with you. I'm sorry, tell Kurt I said goodbye." He said and hung up.

I sat there and Bear came over and cried and I petted his head. Suddenly Brody came in,

"Hey babe." He said.

"Hey." I said feeling sad.

"Whats wrong babe?" He said sitting down next to me.

"Nothing Finn just left and he didn't say goodbye." I told him.

"Oh I'm sorry but Finns always been that lone ranger at least thats what you said." He told me.

"Yeah but he was so happy to be here again. Maybe I should go call him." I said.

"No don't bother just sit here with me." He said wrapping his arm around me .

Suddenly Bear growled at Brody and bit his hand .

"God dammit Bear what the hell!" He yelled angrily.

"Oh my god Brody I'm so sorry he's never done that before." I said.

"My god I'm bleeding!" He yelled running to the bathroom.

"Bad boy Bear , bad boy." I said .

He started to pout and a I rubbed his head from when Brody hit him .

"Rachel get him out of here I want him out!" He yelled and left.

I sighed and then said,

"Maybe it's time for a new home Bear." I said and he got on my lap.

Finns pov:
I was in the auditorium thinking when suddenly Rachel walked in with Bear.

"You know this place is like our Jerusalem , all roads just seem to lead back here. " She said.

I looked at her but before I could say a word she said,

"I would've just came here first if you would've answered my text or my calls! Instead I had to drive around town like an idiot looking for you!" She yelled.

"Rachel." I said.

"How could you Finn! I could you just leave again I mean come on are you serious!" She yelled.

"I was just trying to give you your freedom!" I yelled.

"I don't need you to give me my freedom! I am a grown woman! I don't need you to be afraid of me or try to keep me from doing whats right for me!" She yelled.

"Like that Brody guy!" I yelled.

"I'm not doing Brody and even if I was don't you think I rather it be you! You were my first love and I want more than anything for you to be my last but I can't wait anymore. I can't." She said.

I suddenly pulled her in closely and just as I was about to kiss her I looked in her eyes and I saw all the pain and hurt I caused her.

"Listen. I can't keep Bear and the apartment anymore so will you please take him." She asked me .

"Yeah of course." I said.

"Okay bye Bear." She said and quickly left.

I stood there heartbroken and alone.

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