We've Got Tonight

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Chapter 25
Rachel's pov :
Finn and I got out of the cab and went into the courthouse to elope . I smiled as we gave the lady our marriage license and went into the court room.

"243." The judge said.

"Yes we're here." I said as Finn and I got up.

"Right okay do you two have vows or anything like that?"  The judge asked us.

"We'll actually...."

"I do." Finn said.

"You do?" I asked him.

"I wrote it in the cab it's not much, but I think I can get my point across." Finn said.

"Okay go for it." The judge said.

"Okay, Rachel when I first met you , you were more than just a girl on the roof . You were the one thing I never knew I needed . All my life I had felt as if I never belonged and then you came into my life and for the time I felt happy inside. Rachel you changed me and I know we've been though a lot but I love and I would do anything for you . I know I can't give you much but I also that if I cam somehow convince to just let keeping me love you then I'm something right." Finn said.

I smiled and said,

"I wrote something too." I said. "There are 7 billion people in the world and out of those 6.9 billion people I found you. You Finn Christopher Hudson are the greatest thing that has ever happened or will happen to me . Because you give me strength and hope that there is good in this world and that I am never alone because I have you. There are 7 billion people in this world Finn and out of all of them you are my one true love , my person , my soulmate and I will love you forever." I said.

"Sign here." The judge told Finn .

"Sign here." The judge told me.

"Okay by the state of New York I now pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Hudson. You may now kiss your bride ." The judge said .

I smiled and Finn pulled me in and kissed me passionately .

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