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Chapter 26
(2 months later )
Finns pov:
"Finn ! Finn! Wake up it's time !" Rachel yelled frantically.

"Huh what!" I yelled and I fell out of bed .

"It's time!" I yelled .

I realized what she meant ,

"Oh god ! Okay okay...." I started to panick, "okay I'll get the diaper bag and suitcase and you grabbed the keys and why aren't you moving !" I yelled panicked .

She began to laugh and said ,


I gave her a very serious look at said ,

"I'm never talking to you again." And went to bed .

(Later )
I walked into the kitchen to see Rachel drinking her tea and eating .

"Morning babe." She said but I ignored her ."Oh come on , it was a harmless prank you know I love you." She said but I still ignored her . She rolled her eyes got up and said , "How can I make it up to you ? Can I give you a treat or a favor ." She said and began kissing my neck .

"No." I said .

"Come on Finny , you know you wanna touch my boobs while they're big." She said .

"I'm going to work ."  I said avoiding her .

"Skip it , stay home , I'm horny and I want you ." I said .

"I'm just a sex toy to you aren't I ?" I asked her joking .

"No , you're my husband too." She said smirking .

"You know one of these days you're going to actually go in labor and I won't believe it." I said .

"Love you." She said .

"Yeah , yeah, love you too." I said and left .

Rachel's pov:
After Finn left I got bored so I decided to pull a prank on Kurt and Blaine . I picked up the phone and called Kurt .

"You better have a good explanation for bothering me on my anniversary." Kurt said tired .

"I'm in labor and Finns not home !"I said .

"I'm on my way , Blaine too!" He yelled and hung up.

(5 minutes later )

"Rachel! Rachel please don't have this baby yet I'm not dress to deliver twins ." Kurt yelled busting in the door with Blaine .

"Oh hey Kurt , hi Blaine ." I said eating a bowl of cereal as I walked past them .

"Rachel Barbra Berry Hudson , please tell you're in labor !" Kurt said upset .

"Gotcha ." I said .

"You're horrible ." He said and I laughed .

"Sorry I was bored and if it makes you feel better , I got Finn last night." I said .

"Really what he do?" Blaine asked me .

"He totally freaked out it was so funny." I said .

"Okay well I'm taking Blaine back so we can have sex don't call unless the baby is actually coming ." Kurt said and left .

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