Why Are You Here

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Chapter 8
Rachels pov:
I was in the kitchen making lunch when Finn walked in.

"Need some help?" He asked me.

"No I'm good." I said barely looking at him  .

I was trying to reach the plates that for some unknown reason were on the top shelf or the second shelf but hey I'm short. Anyway I was trying to get it when Finn got it for me ans handed it to me.

"Here." He said smiling.

"Thanks." I said .

"So what are you making?" He asked me.

"Finn." I said no longer pretending as if something was wrong.

"Yeah." He said.

"Why are you here? I thought you were in the Army but you're not so what the hell happened?" I asked him .

"I was shot Rach." He said looking down.

"What." I said.

He pulled up his shirt and showed me the wound that was almost healed.

"Oh my god Finn I had no idea." I said.

"It's okay. I came because I need to find my purpose again and the one person I thought could help me is you." He said.

"Of course I'll help. I'll tell you what you wanted to be an actor at some point right, so maybe you could go to NYADA." I said.

"You think I could get in?" He asked me.

"Why not? Plus the Army will pay for it so you don't have to worry about the cost." I said.

"I mean I guess that could work." He said.

"Great you can come to class and watch me okay." I said.

"Okay." He said.

I smiled and gave him a hug,

"This will be great!" I said and left.

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