The Best /Worst Part

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Chapter 28
Rachel's pov:
Finn and I were in the hospital room and I was in a lot of pain .

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as another contraction hit .

"Okay how are we doing here ?" The Doctor asked us .

I looked at Finn like I was going to kill him and he said ,

"Do you have anything you can give her?" Finn asked him .

"Well we can give her an epidural." He told us .

Another contraction hit ,

"Ahhh yes please go!" I yelled squeeze Finns hand.

(10 minutes )
Finns pov:
"I love you so much Finn , you are like my favorite person." Rachel said on epidural .

"I love you too." I said laughing .

"Finn what are going to name the babies ?" She asked me .

"I don't know babe." I said .

"What about drizzle and rainbow!" She expressed .

"As cute as that is I don't think it's a good name choice." I said .

"How is everyone doing?" The doctor asked me .

"Beautiful!" Rachel said .

"Okay great however I have some news. Rachel you'll have to get an emergency c section." He told us.

"Why?" I asked him .

"One of the babies umbilical cords in wrapped around its neck." He told me .

"Is the baby going to be okay?" I asked him.

"We're going to everything we can but we have to take your wife in now so if you want to you can come." He said .

"No doubt ." I said and followed them.

(Operating room)
"Finn look at the cloud there so pretty." Rachel said .

"Yeah they are." I said .

"Are the babies going to be okay?" She asked me .

"Yeah everything is going to be okay Rach, soon we'll have our babies and everything we'll be just fine." I said and kissed her head.

"Okay we're going to start." The doctor said and began.

I held Rachel hand and then we heard two little cries .

"Congratulations you two have a beautiful baby girl and a handsome baby boy." The doctor said .

"Rachel did you hear that?" I said happily .

I looked at Rachel and she started to close her eyes and then the monitor started to go off .

"Rachel! Rachel sweetie!" I yelled.

"Someone get him out of here!" The doctor said and they escorted me out .

Hey guys so I have two brand new finchel stories out called The Girl With The Broken Smile and Rescue Me . They are now out so please check them out.

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