The Proposal

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Chapter 19
(The next day)
Rachels pov:
"Okay!He said okay!" Kurt said shocked.

"Yup it was like I told Finn I was ordering Chinese and he didn't care." I said.

"I'm sure he was just in shock." He told me.

"Yeah but I mean he said okay, like he was okay with it." I said.

"Ugh this not be happening." He told me.

"I know right!" I exclaimed.

"Okay well I gotta go meet Blaine for lunch." He said.

"I gotta go to work I'll see you later." I said and left.

(That night)
I got back that night and there were no lights on except for these candles. I walk in and soft music was playing. I walked into my bed room to see rose petals on my bed and sitting there on my bed was Finn.

"Hi." He said smiling in a suit.

"Hi." I said suprised.

"I'm sure you're probably wondering why I'm here." He said.

"Yeah, I am." I said.

"Well here's what I know, once upon a time I met a beautiful girl , you, on a rooftop and that beautiful girl, you, have changed my life forever. So here we are 6 years after meeting and I am still in love with you. I know we have been stupid and stubborn about it and I'll be damned if I make the same mistake of leaving you again like I did five years ago. Rachel Barbra Berry, you are my person, my soulmate, my one and only true love and we are endgame. So what I guess what I'm trying to say is...." he got down on one knee and said, "will you marry me Rachel?"

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