Preggers Part 1

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Chapter 16
(3 weeks later)
Rachels pov:
I woke up this morning sick to my stomach . I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom . I threw up for a good 15 minutes and when it was over I could help but wonder if I was pregnant. I was late after all and this was the 2nd this week this has happened. I've been telling Kurt and Santana that I have a bug but I don't think they believe me , especially Santana. I got up and cleaned my face off and then got a shower . After my shower I ran to a quickie market and grabbed 3 pregnancy test. When I got home from the store I immediately went into the bathroom and locked the door I peed on the sticks and then set the timer. I was so scared , what if I was actually pregnant?  What about my dreams? What about Funny Girl ? I couldn't play Fanny pregnant well atleast not for the entire thing. And what about Finn? He has a life of his own? I'm sure he doesn't want baby , especially now. I paced around nervously and then suddenly the time went off and I jumped anxiously.  I grabbed the test and looked , at plus signs . I dropped all three of the test and fell to the floor on my knees.

Fuck,fuck,fuck!  I thought.

I can't be pregnant this can't be happening. I can't be a mom! Oh god I'm going to be a mom! I thought.

I was on the couch when Santana walked in.

"Hey we need to talk." She said.

"Whats up?" I asked her.

"I was in the bathroom going through some of your personal things because you've been acting very strange lately when I found three positive pregnancy test. Now unless Lady Hummel is actually a lady I'm assuming they're yours , care to explain?" She asked me.

I looked at her and began to cry,

"You had no right to go through my stuff Santana!" I yelled crying.

"Woah , hey , it's okay , it's okay." She said comforting me as I cried.

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