I Miss Her

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Chapter 23
( 1 month later )
Rachel's pov:
I was in my closet cleaning it out when I saw the box of things I kept for Aria before she died . I looked at it and bought it out. I sat on my bed and began to look through it . I saw the sonogram photo and I smiled and then Finn walked in.

"Hey babe." He said.

"Hi." I said crying a bit.

"You okay?" He asked sitting down beside me .

I showed him the photo and said,

"Yeah I was just looking at her . God I miss her so much , I miss her everyday." I said.

"I know me too." He said.

"I know it sounds crazy but do you think she's okay up there? That she's watching over us?" I asked him.

" I do , and I think that she's okay." He said.

"I'm just scared , what if something happens to these little ones too?" I asked him.

"Hey, we can't think like that. The doctor said they were both healthy and they would be fine and I promise you nothing will happen." He said.

I nodded and gave him a kiss,

"I love you." I said.

"I love you more." He said.

"I love you most." I said and he took my hand and we left the room.

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