My Beautiful Balloon

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Chapter 24
(2 months later)
Finns pov:
Rachel is now seven months pregnant and she is really big. I feel bad for her but it's so cute to watch her waddle around like a penguin and she can't see her feet either. I try not to laugh because I feel bad but it's hard not too. I was in the kitchen when Rachel came out of the bedroom.

"God I feel like a balloon ." She said.

I smiled and said,

"You're beautiful to me." I told her and gave her a kiss .

"I can't even see my feet it sucks balls." She said grumpy.

I laughed and then she got mad,

"Are you laughing at me?" She said upset.

"What? No, it's just your funny." He said.

"You are laughing at me!" She cried and waddled into her room and shut the curtain .

I looked down and felt bad . I sighed and walked into the bedroom and laid next to her .

"Go away ." She said rolling on her side so she didn't have to look at me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" She asked me .

"For laughing." I said .

She looked at me and said,

"Well you're not forgiving!" She said and rolled back over .

I kissed her neck and she giggled and said,

"How can you kiss me when I look like there's a giant balloon in my stomach?" She asked me.

"Simple, your beautiful, and sexy, and I love you. Plus you're carrying my babies in that belly of yours which makes it even better." I said.

She looked at me and said,

"You still think I'm sexy , even with my balloon belly and swollen feet?" She asked .

"I will always think your sexy , even with your balloon belly and swollen feet." I said and kissed her.

"I'm sorry I got mad Finny, I'm just so hormonal and this wedding and everything it's just a lot ." She said.

"I know and I promise once nine months hit everything will be back to normal." I said.

"And then we can get married." She said smiling .

I nodded and then suddenly got an idea,

"Or we can get married now?" I said.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Yeah let's elope, quick and easy plus it's one less thing we have to worry about." I said.

"Really?" She asked me.

"I'm in if your in , Rachel will elope with me?" I asked her.

She thought for a moment then said,

"Let's do it."

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